논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-01 “Doing Community”: Digital Hyperlocal Media as Care DIGITAL JOURNALISM
2023-12 Social Media Dependency and Civic Engagement Among Older Urban Adults in Korea Asian Communication Research
2023-09 A Social Identity Model of Localized Social Media Dependency During Post-Earthquake Disaster Mass Communication and Society
2023-05 지역 참여는 우리를 더 관용적으로 만들까?: 관용적 커뮤니케이션을 중심으로 사회과학논집
2023-04 The Covid-19 Pandemic and Risks in East Asia: Media, Social Reactions, and Theories YAMAMOTO Nobuto (Ed.) Routledge, 2022, 244 Pages Keio Communication Review
2023-04 Difference-managing and difference-reducing community storytelling in urban neighborhoods: A communication infrastructure theory perspective Human Communication Research
2022-11 How do social media affect people’s compassion and civic action? The case of the Sewol Ferry disaster in Korea Asian Journal of Communication
2022-10 21세기 정보통신 기술과 도시 지역 공동체 문명과 경계
2022-08 코로나19 팬데믹과 노인의 도시 디지털화 경험 한국언론학보
2022-05 Catalyzing Storytelling in Communication Infrastructure Theory: A Study of Local Ethnic Media JOURNAL OF HEALTH COMMUNICATION
2022-02 비대면 소통, 미디어 이용, 결속적 사회자본: 코로나19 발생 전과 후의 패널 데이터 분석 언론정보연구
2022-01 Communication and difference in urban neighborhoods: A communication infrastructure theory perspective Communication Monographs
2021-12 Interplay of Threat, Efficacy, and Uncertainty in Cancer News Coverage: Analysis of News Content and Effects in South Korea Asian Communication Research
2021-12 포스트-지진 재난 상황에서 지역기반 소셜미디어를 통한 시민관여 한국언론학보
2021-12 Attention to news media, emotional responses and policy preferences about public health crisis: The case of fine dust pollution in South Korea INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2021-12 Communication Infrastructure in an Asian Immigrant Community JOURNAL OF HEALTH COMMUNICATION
2021-12 프라이버시 역설 집단별 OTT 서비스 이용과 태도에 관한 연구 방송과 커뮤니케이션
2021-10 The effects of information-seeking behaviours on prevention behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic: the mediating effects of anxiety and fear in Korea Epidemiology and Health
2021-07 Commuting, Communication, and Community Engagement From a Communication Infrastructure Theory Perspective COMMUNICATION RESEARCH
2021-07 Communication Infrastructure, Migrant Community Engagement, and Integrative Adaptation of Korean Chinese Migrants in Seoul COMMUNICATION RESEARCH
2021-06 지역 기반 공동체 미디어와 연관성 위기 방송문화연구
2020-12 시각장애인의 페이스북 이용심층인터뷰 연구 한국언론학보
2020-12 한국 10대 청소년 유튜버(YouTuber) 제작자로서의 능동적 이용자 개념 연구 한국언론학보
2020-11 미디어, 흔들리는 개념 한국방송학보
2020-11 도시의 디지털화: 인공지능 기반 ‘디지털 도시’의 커뮤니케이션 이슈들 언론정보연구
2020-08 다차원적 코즈모폴리턴 정향 척도 미디어 이용과 커뮤니케이션 태도를 중심으로 한국언론학보
2020-06 Health‐related quality of life among migrant workers: The impact of health‐promoting behaviors NURSING & HEALTH SCIENCES
2020-02 Protest Participation Experiences and Media Uses in Urban Protests: A Conceptualization and Empirical Examination INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION
2020-00 Protest Participation Experiences and Media Uses in Urban Protests: A Conceptualization and Empirical Examination International Journal of Communication
2019-12 Faculty workshop on how to write good papers and how to publish them Asian Communication Research
2019-04 Sharing health information online in South Korea: Motives, topics, and antecedents HEALTH PROMOTION INTERNATIONAL
2019-03 Rainbows in the society: A measure of hope for society ASIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY
2019-02 SNS Dependency and Community Engagement in Urban Neighborhoods: The Moderating Role of Integrated Connectedness to a Community Storytelling Network COMMUNICATION RESEARCH
2018-11 한국 노인의 사회연결망, 신체활동량 및 주관적 건강 인식의 연관성 한국체육학회지
2018-10 언론 생태계의 공정성 지식의 지평
2018-10 신문 광고 거래 방식, 광고의 신문 보도 영향 및 신문 광고 산업 전망 간, 인식의 상관관계성 및 차이 연구 한국광고홍보학보
2018-02 의학전문기자의 전문성과 언론사 조직 내에서의 업무 자율성: 이중적 직업 정체성의 전략적 이용 한국언론학보
2017-09 SNS dependency and interpersonal storytelling: An extension of media system dependency theory NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY
2017-06 Factors Affecting the “Locus of Responsibility” in Cancer News: Focusing on the Role of Health Journalists’ Medical Expertise in South Korea JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY
2017-02 공동체는 발명되어야 한다: 서울시 마을미디어 형성과 활동을 중심으로 한국언론정보학보
2016-08 Are You an Opinion Giver, Seeker, or Both? Re-Examining Political Opinion Leadership in the New Communication Environment INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION
2016-07 Health communication in South Korea: Past, present, and future 헬스커뮤니케이션연구 (Health Communication Research)
2016-06 News Portrayal of Cancer: Content Analysis of Threat and Efficacy by Cancer Type and Comparison with Incidence and Mortality in Korea JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2016-06 서울시 마을공동체미디어와 공동체 공론장의 분화와 재구성 커뮤니케이션 이론
2016-06 시민들의 가치지향, 정치적 이념성향, 그리고 마을 공동체 활동 참여의 관계: 서울시민에 대한 설문조사를 중심으로 사회과학논집
2016-03 Trusting social media as a source of health information: Online surveys comparing the United States, Korea, and Hong Kong JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH
2016-01 Localized Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Seoul’s Urban Neighborhoods AMERICAN BEHAVIORAL SCIENTIST
2015-07 Effects of Health Literacy and Social Capital on Health Information Behavior JOURNAL OF HEALTH COMMUNICATION
2015-07 한국 거주 중국동포들의 미디어 이용과 대화가 집합적 자기 인식에 미치는 영향 한국방송학보
2015-01 Cancer Risk Factors in Korean News Media: a Content Analysis ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION
2014-12 Suggestions for establishing a sustainable risk communication platform for carcinogenic factors Epidemiology and Health
2014-08 지역민의 사회자본 형성 요인에 관한 연구 한국언론학보
2014-08 TV 건강프로그램 시청경험은 어떻게 건강증진행동으로 이어지는가? 건강 자기효능감의 매개효과를 중심으로 한국언론학보
2013-09 From the wired to wireless generation? Investigating teens' Internet use through the mobile phone TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY
2013-04 Factors influencing smartphone use and dependency in South Korea Computers in Human Behavior
2013-03 스마트폰 이용이 환경통제감 지각에 미치는 영향: 2010년과 2011년 사이에 어떤 변화가 있었을까? 사이버커뮤니케이션학보
2013-03 ‘스마트폰 의존’이 전통적 미디어 이용과 전통적 커뮤니케이션 방식에 미치는 영향 한국방송학보
2012-10 The effects of parent-child communication patterns on children's interactive communication in online communities: focusing on social self-efficacy and unwillingness to communicate as mediating factors Asian Journal of Communication
2012-09 The dynamic relationship between East Asian adolescents' use of the internet and their use of other media NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY
2012-08 Corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a halo effect in issue management: public response to negative news about pro-social local private companies Asian Journal of Communication
2012-06 뉴미디어 이용과 환경통제감 인식: 스마트폰과 SNS 이용을 중심으로 사이버커뮤니케이션학보
2012-06 중국동포 커뮤니티 형성과 에스닉미디어의 역할: 커뮤니케이션하부구조의 관점에서 한국언론학보
2012-06 소셜네트웍서비스에서의 공유행위와 영향요인에 대한 연구 한국언론학보
2011-07 언어 네트워크 분석을 통한 스마트폰과 소셜미디어 이용자의 미디어 이용행태에 관한 탐색적 연구: 성별과 연령에 따른 이용행태 인식과 평가를 중심으로 한국방송학보
2011-01 Integrated Connection to Neighborhood Storytelling Network, Education, and Chronic Disease Knowledge Among African Americans and Latinos in Los Angeles JOURNAL OF HEALTH COMMUNICATION
2010-11 Becoming Citizens: Youths' Civic Uses of New Media in Five Digital Cities in East Asia Journal Of Adolescent Research
2010-10 Applications of Communication Infrastructure Theory Health Communication
2010-04 Communication, neighbourhood belonging and household hurricane preparedness Disasters
2007-12 New and old media uses and political engagement among Korean adolescents Asian Journal of Communication
2007-09 Ethnicity, place, and communication technology: Effects of ethnicity on multi-dimensional internet connectedness INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & PEOPLE
2006-10 Community storytelling network, neighborhood context, and civic engagement: A multilevel approach HUMAN COMMUNICATION RESEARCH
2006-09 "Geo-ethnicity" and neighborhood engagement: A communication infrastructure perspective POLITICAL COMMUNICATION
2006-05 Civic engagement from a communication infrastructure perspective COMMUNICATION THEORY
2006-01 Online storytellers: Bloggers in South Korea Georgetown Journal of International Affairs
2005-02 The influence of social environment on internet connectedness of adolescents in Seoul, Singapore and Taipei NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY
2004-10 Internet connectedness before and after September 11, 2001. NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY
2002-09 Civic Actions after September 11: Exploring the Role of multilevel storytelling Prometheus
2001-12 Storytelling Neighborhood: Paths to Belonging in Diverse Urban Environments COMMUNICATION RESEARCH
2001-08 Internet connectedness and inequality - Beyond the "divide" COMMUNICATION RESEARCH
1991-01 용비어천가의 정당성 구조 분석 언론사회문화