1986. 09 ~ 1992. 05 : Ph. D. degree in EE from University of Southern California
1983. 09 ~ 1985. 08 : M. S. degree in EE from University of Southern California
1979. 03 ~ 1983. 02 : B. S. degree in EE from Korea Aerospace University
2023.8. 16. ~ 현재 : Chair, Steering Committee of the Public Private Open RAN Industry Alliance (ORIA), 과기정통부 민관협력 오프랜 인더스트리 얼라이언스 운영위원장
2023.3.~ 현재 : 국가과학기술자문회의 국가전략기술 특별위원회 민간위원 (차세대 네트워크 전략담당) 과학기술혁신본부장 (MSIT 3차관) 주관
( a member of the Special Committee for National Strategic Technology, Presidential Advisory Council on S&T),
2022.12.21 ~ now: 과학기술정보통신부 ICT 연구개발사업 종합심의위원회 위원 (과기정통부 정보통신정책실장 위원장주제),
a member of ICT R&D Programme Comprehensive Review Committee, MSIT
2022.7 ~ now : Audit, the public-private 6G Forum, MSIT( Ministry of Science, ICT Technology) , Korea
2023.3 ~ now : Director, Open vRAN Ecosystem Research Center (Yonsei Institute of Convergence Science)
2022.07.11 ~ 2023.8.16. : Chair of the Public-Private Open RAN Industry Alliance (ORIA) Founding Committee, Korea
2021 ~ 2022 : Co-Chair, 6G R&D Strategy Committee, chaired by Vice Minister of MSIT (과기정통부)
2017 ~ April, 2022 : Chair of Executive Committee, public-private 5G Forum, MSIT( Ministry of Science, ICT Technology )
2019~ 2022: A member of 5G+ strategy committee with ten related ministries, representing a government-industry collaboration and academy collaboration, chaired by the minister of the Ministry of Science and ICT (과기정통부 관계부처 합동 5G+ 전략위원회 )
2017 ~ 2022 : 5G-V2X 융합생태계 연구센터장, 연세대 미래 융합연구원 (2023.11.10, ICONS 장기연구센터 감사패)
August 2019 ~ August 2020: A member of the advisory committee for the innovative growth promotion (chaired by the vice prime minister), 5G Platform, Ministry of Economy and Finance. (기획재정부 제2기 혁신성장 자문단, 5G 경쟁력 강화 및 시장 확보 위한 자문 )
2018~ 2021: A member of ICT R&D Open Innovation Committee, Institute of Information & Communication Technology Planning & Evaluation (ICT R&D 열린혁신위원회 )
2018~ 2021.Oct.: A Review Board Member of Communication, National Science Foundation, Korea
2018 ~ 2020.04. : 차세대 커넥티드 모빌리티 연구단장, 연세대 공학연구원
2018~ 2021: a board member of GigaKorea Foundation
2017~ 2018 : Auditor, KICS - The Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (Vice-Chair of Academic Research)
2015~ 2016 : Vice President KICS - The Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
2013 ~ 2017 : Vice-Chair of Executive Committee, 5G Forum, MSIP (Ministry of Science, Information and Future Planning)
2011 ~ 2013 : Chair of public-private 5G Forum Founding Committee, MKE (Ministry of Knowledge Economy)
2015~ 2019 April : a member of 5G Strategy Promotion Committee chaired by vice minister of MSIP
2015~ now : IEEE Senior member
2015~ 2017 : a member of faculty senate of Yonsei University
2016 ~ now : IEEE Project: P1918.1 - Tactile Internet: Application Scenarios, Definitions and Terminology, Architecture, Functions, and Technical Assumptions, (Voting members)
2016 ~ 2017 : Chair, evaluation committee of unified financed R&D of the 2nd Ministry of MSIT.
2015 ~ now : IEEE ComSoc, Wireless Communication Technical Committee (Voting members)
1994 ~ now : Yonsei University (Professor)
2011 ~ 2016 : A member of Evaluation Committee of Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA)
2013 ~ 2014 : Samsung Electronics (Communication Strategy Advisory Committee member)
2013 ~ 2014 : KICS - The Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (Executive Director of International Cooperation)
2011 ~ 2012 : KICS - The Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (Executive Director of International Journal)
1994 ~ 2010 : Yonsei University (Qualcomm Yonsei Joint Program Principal Professor, Radio Communications Laboratory head)
1994 ~ 2010 : KICS - The Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (Executive Director of financial, Chairman, management)
1994 ~ 2010 : The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers (Editor-in-chief communications sector)
1992 ~ 1994 : Cellular Infrastructure Group of Motorola, Fort Worth Texas, U.S.A. (Researcher/Engineer)
2024.6.12, MoU co-signer between O-RAN ALLIANCE and Open RAN Industry Alliance (ORIA) at the 1st ORIA Open RAN Symposium at the Grand Hyatt Incheon, ( )
2024. 3.27, ETRI 초청세미나, "오픈랜 글로벌 생태계 현황 및 오픈랜 MWC 2024", 대전
2024. 3. 13. ICT Convergence Korea, Special Session-3 Invited Talk, "Open RAN 개요, 현황 및 민관전략", 한국통신학회, The-K 호텔
2024.2.1. 국가기술자문회의 국가전략특별위원회 4차회의
2023.12.20, 2023년도 제3차 ICT 연구개발사업 종합심의의원회
2023.12.1, 2023 ICT 표준화포럼 전략 워크셥, "ORAN 및 오픈랜 인더스트리 얼라이언스 미션과 글로벌 협력 생태계", TTA, 서초 신라스테이
2023.11.08, 외교부 경제안보연구소 초청 세미나, "5G, Open RAN, 6G 개요, 현황 및 민관전략," 광화문 신라스테이
2023.10, KAIST 국가미래전략기술 정책연구소, 전문가 자문
2023.9.29. 2차 국가과학기술자문위 국가전략기술 특별위원회 ( Special Committee for National Strategic Technology, Presidential Advisory Council on S&T) , "기술패권 경쟁대응 및 국정과제 이행관련 초격차 기술확보의 국가역량확보:, 과학기술혁신본부장 (MSIT 3차관) 주제
2023. 8.16., Open RAN Industry Alliance (ORIA) 창립총회 및 출범식,
2023.07.11. 토론자, " 밀리미터 대역기술의 미래방향", 5G(28GHz) 신규사업자 주파수 할당 방안 공개토론회, 엘타워
2023.06.28. Keynote " Open RAN 현황 및 국내외 기업간 협력방향", Open RAN 시장 및 기술현황 검증발표회, hosted by Nokia, SamJi, and LGU+, 중소기업 DMC타워,
2023.04.04, 국가전략기술 특별위원회 1차 회의,,
2022.12.12, 발표 "이동통신 기술 경쟁력 확보를 위한 오픈랜 협의체 운영계획", 오픈랜 국내도입을 위한 상호협력 워크셥, 삼성코엑스 컨퍼런스 E1
2022.08.26. 제7차 디지털 국정과제 연속현장 간담회, 삼성생명일원역빌딩, 삼성병원 일원캠퍼스, 학계위원, 이음 5G 시장/실증/기술/민관협력 의견 제안,,
2022.05.10. 제 20대 대통령 취임식, 정보통신계 71인 초청인사로 참석, 국회의사당 앞마당, 11:00-12:05, 2구역
2022. 4. 22. 한국통신학회 정보통신의 날 패널, 모더레이터, 5G-Advanced/6G 시대, 정보통신 정책의 방향과 과제, 더 플라자
2022.4: "주요국 과학기술혁신 민관협력파트너쉽(STI PPP) 사례조사 및 분석," 단기자문, 한국과학기술기획평가원(KISTEP)
2022.4.18. "6G Convergence에 따른 미래 이동통신 기술 진흥과 산업 경쟁력 확보 방향", 과학기술정보통신부 통신 기술 세미나, 과학기술정보통신부 정부청사
2022.0413. KISTEP 수요포럼 6G 통신현황 및 산업선점 전략 패널 " 6G 산업과 추전체계에 대한 첨언",,
2022. 1.24. 토론 모더레이터, 차세대 네트워크 전략 추진 방향 토론회,, 과학기술 정보통신부
21.12. 2021., 토론, 디지털 산업 전략성 제고를 위한 세부과제, " 미래 이동통신 기술 진흥과 산업 경쟁력 확보방향 ", 글로벌 기술-통산 패러다임 변화에 따른 정책 대응의 과제, 과학기술정책연구원(STEPI), ( )
28.10. 2021, panel moderater, TTA-5G포럼 6G 비젼 워크셥, 양재엘 타워
5. 10. 2021, "5G Forum and Public-Private Collaboration", technical meeting with ATIS NextG USA
9.28.2021, 과학기술정보통신부 네트워크 전략수립 위원회, 총괄반 위원 참여 및 토의, 세종 정부청사
9.7.2021, 5G 특화망 전문가 및 수요기업 간담회 ( 패널 토의, 세종시 특화망 지원센터
2021, August 18, 5G+ strategy committee, Sejong City, 5G+ 민간 활성화 방안발표
2021. August, a workshop co-organizer with the Hexa-X (EU 5GPPP), "Intelligent Connectivity for Smart World", IEEE ICC2022, 16-20 May 2022, Seoul Korea
2021.6.23, 6G 전략위원회, 여의도, 미국부대사 참석 (NSF 6G MOU);
2021.6.21. '6G 융복합 산업/사회 관점에서 비전 및 민관협력 전략', 29회 Korea Internet Conference, session B3-candidate technology debate for 6G networks, Seoul
2021., a member of Steering Committee, APCC, Oct. 2021, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2021. a member of Steering Committee, ICTC, Oct Jeju, Korea
2021. 5.20. moderator, breakout session, "The integration of 5G/6G and the related ecosystem", The strategic Infrastructure Summit, Korea and US, hosted by Seoul National University Global R&DB Center
2021. 5.14, 5G Broadcast World Forum 2021, 한국방송회관, "Why 5G Broadcast?" 좌장,
2021.4.30. 6G R&D 전략위원회, co-chair, 명동 중앙우체국
2021.4.30, "5G+/6G 민관협력 방안", 발표, 5G포럼 정기총회, the President Hotel, Seoul
2021.04.015. 환영사, "자율주행 인프라 구축 사업을 위한 V2X 정책 국회세미나", 하영제 국회의원 주최/5G포럼 주관, ,
2021.04.02. 키노트 5G+ 정책협의체 전체회의 " 5G 상용화 성과 와 나가야할 방향",
2021.02.04, 한국통신학회 동계학술대회 6G 특별세션, "6G Vision from 5GForum Perspectives", 용평리조트
2021.01.26., 2021년 1차 5G+ 전략추진위원회 장관주제 회의, 생태계 협력 및 학계 민간위원, 온라인
2020.11.24. GigaKorea 테크위크, Keynote, " 5G 실증 해외추진 동향 ", 한국통신학회 세미나실
2020.11.24, 제96회 ICONS 포럼, "5G 산업융합현황 과 6G 시대를 바라보면서", 연세대학교
2020.11.13, 과기정통부 장관주제 6G 산학연 간담회, 학계 및 5G 포럼 민간위원
2020.11, 중소기업을 위한 5G 세미나 , ( )
2020.09.23, Pannelist, 5G Technologies for Today and Tomorrow, hosted by SKT, 갈길먼 韓 5G B2B..."이통사와 타산업, 정부가 연결해야" -
2020.08.06, 제12회 과학기술관계장관회의 (총리주제), "6G 시대를 선도를 위한 민관협력 방안" 발제, 광화문 정부종합청사 ( )
2020.04.06, 유관합동 5G+ 전략추진위원회 (과기정통부 장관주제), 민간위원 토론 및 발언, 온라인 개최
2020.03.19. 유관합동 5G+ 전략추진실무위원회 (과기정통부 2차관주제), 민간위원 토론 및 발언, 온라인 개최
5. Dec. 2019, 5G+ strategy committee meeting (유관합동 5G+ 전략추진위원회, 정통부 장관 주제) 민간위원,
29. Nov. 2019, 조찬강연, "5G 민관협력 및 산업적 실증현황", GERI Forum, 구미시, Korea
20. September, panelist, "공공행정 분야 5G 융합 분야 탐색 사례, 장애요인 및 보안이슈", 공공융합 5G 적용 이슈 공유를 위한 학술세미나, 양재 엘 타워 골드홀
13. August 2019, an invited speaker, TTA 5G 특별위원회 워크셥, 곤지암 리조트,
23. July 2019, panel moderator, "이전세대 이동통신을 통해서 바라본 향후 6G 대응전략", 6G 인프라 핵심기술 개발 사업공청회, Seoul, Korea
10. June 2019, an invited speaker, "5G Enabled Service Big Bang", KT 5G OpenLab Opening, 판교
21. 08. 2019.기획재정부 제2기 혁신성장 자문단, 5G 경쟁력 강화 및 시장 확보 위한 자문, 경제 장관회의 자문 (2019.08. 21. )
25.04.2019, 패널 리스트, "5G 상용화 시대-시장성과 기술력의 한계 와 4차 산업혁명 시대 과학기술 정책의 성과 및 과제 ", 과학기술혁신성장 포럼 (제 5회), 민주연구원 주최, 국회의원회관 제1세미나실
2024 EUCNC and 6G Summit, Antwerp Belgium, June 2024, Track Chair, Radio Access and Softwarisation (RAS)
A member of SC, APCC2016, Indonesia
TPC Chair, The 3rd International Workshop on 5G Mobile and Wireless Communication System for 2020 and Beyond, Glasgow Scotland, IEEE VTC2015 Spring
Panelist, 5G Workshop between Regional Initiatives in conjuction with the EU ICT Lisbon Conference, Portugal
TPC Co-chair, APCC2015, Japan Kyoto
Keynote and Plenary Chairs, IEEE VTC2014 Spring
TPC Chair, 5G Global Summit, Seoul, Korea, MSIP, 5G Forum
SC member, 5G Global Summit, Pusan, Korea, MSIP, 5G Forum
TPC Chair, The 2nd International Workshop on 5G Mobile and Wireless Communication System for 2020 and Beyond, Seoul Korea, IEEE VTC2014 Spring
A member of SC, APCC2014, Thailand
Research Interests
• 5G V2X lense-based MIMO communication and localization
• 5G V2X lense-based MIMO communication and localization
• RSMA (Rate Splitting Multiple Access) MIMO adoption to communication networks with various QoSs metric optimization for 6G
• MIMO beamforming and coverage extension transmission for ocean buoy networks
• Self-interference rejection technologies for UAV communications
• Open RAN technologies
• Full duplex implementation and its interference management in MIMO networks
• Smart small cell technology, Interference management (IA), Hybrid beamforming, MIMO with limited feedback, Virtual MIMO, In-band full duplex radio
• Synchronization of DVB-T2 and next-generation broadcasting system
• Channel estimation and synchronization for OFDM
• Compressive sensing: All MIMO relays
2024.01.22. 과학기술혁신 유공표창, Minister Award for Distinguished Service for ICT R&D, MSIT Korea, for contributions to the review and establishment of
National strategic technology development policy, including national strategic technology selection, strategic technology roadmap, and strategic project selection.
(국가전략기술 선정, 전략기술 로드맵, 전략 프로젝트 선정 등 국가전략기술 육성 정책수립 검토 및 심의에 기여)
2021.12.3. KICS Fellow, Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences.
2020.12.08, IEEE Communication Society Career Award for Public Service in the Field of Telecommunications, received at IEEE Globecom 2020, Taiwan, which recognizes the leadership and contributions to the public-private service for the world's first 5G commercialization. ( )
2020.4.21 황조근정 훈장 (정보통신 부문에서는 세계 최초로 민관협력 5G(5세대 이동통신) 포럼을 창립해 5G 상용화와 5G기반 산업간 융합 확산에 기여한 김동구 연세대학교 교수가 황조근정훈장을 받음 )
The Yellow Strips of Order of Service Merit from the Korean government for the contribution of the world's first commercialization of 5G, ecosystem creation, and the defusion of convergence among 5G-based industries, and public awareness of 5G on April 22nd, 2020
Nov. 2016 Dr. Irwin Academic Achievement Award, Qualcomm and KICS
Dec. 2013 과학기술 혁신 유공표창, Minister Award for the Distinguished Service for ICT R&D, Ministry of Information, Science, and ICT Technology (MSIT) Korea
Dec. 2016 과학기술 혁신 유공표창, Minister Award for the Distinguished Service for 5G Global Promotion, MSIT Korea
Dec. 2013 Award of Excellence in the Leadership of 100 Leading Core Technologies for Korea 2020, The National Academy of Engineering of Korea.
Dec. 2004 LG Outstanding Research/Academic Award, Korea Institute of Communications Science and LG Group
Keynote & Panel, representing Korea
12. June 2024, a moderator of the Panel at the 1st ORIA (Open RAN Industrial Alliance) Open RAN Symposium on " How to boost domestic Open RAN Competitiveness in the Next-Generation Telecommunications Innovation Age' (차세대 이동통신 혁신을 위한 국내 오픈랜 경쟁력 협력강화), at Grand Hyatt.
10. Nov. 2021, an invited panelist, ATIS/NextGAlliance (USA) and TTA/5GForum workshop for the future collaboration (18:00, 9th November EDT time, at 07:00, November 10th KST)
8. Nov. 2021, an invited speaker, "The Public-Private 6G Lifetime Collaboration in Korea," in the session of "IT Vision in Asia: Beyond 5G, paving a path toward 6G" on Nov. 8 (Monday), IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference, Busan Korea.
14-15 Oct. 2021, Session Chair , "5G Solution for Vertical Industries" Session, the 8th 5G Global Event, hosted by IMT-2020 China;
13-15, Oct. 2021, an invited speaker, in the Worldwide 5G Industry Fora,
IEEE 5G World Forum, the flagship event of the IEEE future networks initiative, Virtual+Montreal, Canada,
5.10.2021, "5G Forum Korea", NextG, ATIS, and 5G Forum joint meeting, virtual meeting
28. September 2021, Panel moderator, "Strategies for Hyper-Connected Intelligence Society in Asia-Pacific Countries," Asia Pacific Telecommunity and NIA online Training course workshop
5. May 2021, an invited speaker, "6G public-private collaboration in Korea", government and policy &6G session, 6GSymposium, hosted by 6GWorld USA.
17.March 2021, a moderator on 5G Network-Benefits and Opportunities of the 5G Era, 2021 Korea-Latin America Countries Digital Cooperation Forum, Seoul, Korea,
19. Dec. 2020, an invited talk, "6G Vision from 5GForum Perspectives", 6G Global 2020 in the Mobile Korea 2020, hosted by MSIT ( )
19. Dec. 2020, a panelist and moderator on 6G Mobile Networks, 6G Global 2020 in the Mobile Korea 2020, hosted by MSIT ( )
23.Oct.2020, a panelist, Panel Discussion on 5G Usecases and Test Labs Initiatives, Session 7, TSDSI Tech Deep Dive Conference 2020, hosted by TSDSI India's Telecom SDO.
10. Sept. 2020, an invited talk and Panel, "The 5G public-private collaboration in Korea," World 5G Industry Fora Session, IEEE 5G World Forum. (pre-recording)
10. Sept. 2020, panelist and assession multilateral MOU agreement(live), WWIF-1 2020 Worldwide 5G Industry Fora Panel-1
11.Feb.2020, an Opening Talk, "6G Global Trend and Government-Industry Move in Korea," 6G Open Symposium, Seoul Korea
21. Oct. 2019, an invited speaker, "The 5G public-private collaboration in Korea", Russia-Korea ICT Forum, Moscow, Russia
24 September 2019, A invited Talk and Panel, " The First 5G Commercial Experience and Global Cooperation", OECD Digital and 5G Infrastructure Evolution Seminar, Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry, hosted by Ministry of Science and ICT, OECD, NIA
17 June 2019 A panelist representing Korea, “What is needed for 5G Commercial Success?,” 7th Global 5G Event and IEEE EuCNC, 17th-22nd June, Valencia, Spain
29 May 2019 A invited talk and panel, representing Korea, “When does 5G ecosystem reach critical mass ?,” in the session of Creating a Sustainable 5G Ecosystem, Asia Pacific Leaders’ CXO Summit, Seoul, Korea, May 28-29, 2019, hosted by GSMA
25 May 2019 A panelist, “5G Commercialization: Market Opportunity and Technical Challenges,” Science, Technology, Innovation Forum, Democratic Party Korea, National Assembly Building, Seoul
23 May 2019 A invited talk and panel, representing Korea, “ 5G Enabled Industrial Trials in Korea,” Workshop on 5G Policy Frameworks for the Future 5G, Bangkok, Thailand, May 23, 2019, hosted by US Department of State, US Mission to ASEAN and US NSA, Ministry of Foreign Affair, the Republic of Korea.
10 May 2019 A Keynote representing Korea, “5G Enabled Industrial Trials & 5G+ Strategies toward 2026 in Korea,” 2nd Workshop on 5G Networking Technology, KunShan, China, 10th May 2019
28 Feb. 2019 Ministry of Science & ICT and GSMA MOU, representing 5GForum, Barcelona, Spain, Feb, 2019
7 Jan. 2019 5GForum and i5G (Indonesia 5GForum) MOU, representing Korea, sharing the experience with Ministry of Communication Indonesia, Jakarta, 7th of Feb, 2019
9 Jan. 2019 5GForum and 5G Alliance (Taiwan ) MOU, representing Korea, sharing experience with ministry and operators, Taipei, Taiwan, 9th of Feb, 2019
22 August 2018 An invited talk, “5G Global Collaboration and Vertical Trials in Korea toward 2020 and Beyond,” IEEE VTS APWCS 2018, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu Taiwan, August 22-24, 2018.
2 May 2018 5GForum and UK 5G MOU, 2018, sharing 5G experience with 5G Innovation Network, The 3rd Korea-UK ICT Policy Forum, Seoul, 2nd May 2018
2018-2019 5GForum & DCMS (UK) Meeting, representing Korea to share 5G with Mike Short (CSA)Seoul Korea , 2018 and 2019
24. May 2017 A invited talk, “5G Collaboration with Other Industries,” the 3rd Global 5G Event, Tokyo, Japan, representing Korea , Odaiba, Japan, 26-26, May 2017
11 July 2017 5GForum and 5GMF (Japan) LoI, representing Korea, sharing experience with Japan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and 5GMF, Tokyo Japan, 11 of July, 2017
22. Nov. 2017 A invited talk, “5G Forum Overview,” representing Korea, the 4th Global 5G Event, Seoul, Korea, 22-24, Nov. 2017
29. Nov. 2017 A panel moderator, “5G Vertical Markets and Use Cases” representing Korea, the 6th Global 5G Event, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 28-30, Nov. 2017
26 Oct. 2016 5GForum and 5GTR (Turkey ) MOU, representing Korea, sharing the experience with ministry and operators, Seoul, Korea, 26th of Oct, 2016
20 Oct. 2015 A Panelist representing Korea, “The Perspectives from Industry Associations,”, 5G Workshop between Regional Initiatives in conjunction with the EU ICT Lisbon Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 20. Oct. 2015
Interviews, media, education contents
2024.8.6. [ET단상]AI시대, 전 세계가 오픈랜에 주목하는 이유
2024.6.12, “오픈랜은 통신 게임체인저”…6G 핵심기술 주도권 잡아야,
2024.1.25. 6G 주도권 잡기나선 정부, 5G 전철 밟지 않으려면,
2024.1.17. 2026년 이동통신 주파수재할당,
2024. 1. 9, NEWSIS, "(5G 너머 6G) 요란한 빈수레, 한국 5G, 반복 막기 위한 해답은,"
2023.12.30. 조선일보:, "중국에 주도권 뻇긴 5G 전철을 밟지 않게 정부가 6G 지원을",
2023. 12.07, Korea OTIC 개소식,
2023. 04.12., 전자신문, " K디지털, Up대한민국]〈1〉차세대 네트워크 제대로 키우려면...김동구 연세대 교수 "생태계 육성 집중 필요"",
2023.03., 디지털 타임즈, 中·대만도 `오픈랜` 각축전… "韓, 2년내 공략 안하면 경쟁서 뒤처져",
2023.03.02, 한국통신학회/5G포럼/한국경제 공동 주최, "MWC 2023 분석 및 전망," 키노트,
2022.08. "6G R&D 초기부터 대기업-중기 간 긴밀한 소통 필요“,
2022.3.2. 한경 'MWC2022 전문가 웨비나, 패널 '
2021.11.2., [기고] 5G 특화망, 디지털 경제 초석된다, 디지털타임스,
2021.9. 27. [기고] 5G+산업생태계 연결할 전문협회 창립 필요, 전자신문,
2021.07.04, [기고]글로벌 협력 기반 차세대 이동통신 경쟁력, 전자 신문,
2021.6.29, 패널리스트, [MWC 2021 완전정복] 90분으로 압축한 모바일 월드 콩그레스(MWC), 한국경제, Youtube Webinar,
"올해 기술 키워드는 풀 디지털 전환·초협력·메타버스" | 한경닷컴 -
2021. 5. 18, 중앙일보 인터뷰,
2020. 12 [화제의 인물] 김동구 교수, IEEE Communication Society Award 수상, 황조근정훈장 수훈, 연세공감
2020.12 연구활동 게시판, 연세대공대, 전기전자공학부 김동구 교수 IEEE Communication Society Award for Public Service in the Field of Telecommunications 수상, 황조근정훈장 수훈,
2020. 12. 테크놀로지 혁명 - Forum8. 상상 그 이상, 6G가 온다 -(KIRD, 국가과학기술인력개발원)
Keynote (11분) , 6G 선점을 위한 대한민국의 노력(15), 6G 타이틀을 노리는 경쟁국가들(15), 6G 시대, 이동통신 선도국가로 가는길(15)
2020.5.11 전자신문 , [포스트 코로나 '디지털 뉴딜 시대' 열자]김동구 5G포럼 집행위원장 "5G 선점 기회, 단말 분야 집중필요
ACM Communication Magazine Big Trends , "5G Commercialization and Trials in Korea,", DOI:10.1145/3378430, Vol. 63, No.4, April 2020
2020.2., 동경 신문 인터뷰
2019.12.3, [기고]5G 시대 1년, 혁신진화에 더 노력하자, 디지털 타임스, .
스카이 라이프, "당신의 삶 5G 에 접속하다", 2019년 9월 방영예정
스위스 국영 TV, 11월 방영 예정
OBS 5G 특집다큐멘터리, 2020년 3월 방영예정
KBS 시사기획창, 화웨이, 우리는 안전한가, 2019.5
전자신문[인사이트] 김동구 5G포럼 집행위원장 "국회에 5G+ 소위 만들자", 2019.5.19
아주경제 지상좌담 "초연결 세상이 5G", 2019.4.8
License and Certificate
2020 ~ 2024: 기술평가사(TVA), , Certified Technology Valuation Analyst (사단법인 한국기술사업화진흥협회)
2020 ~ 2024: 기술경영사(TMC) , Certified Technology Management Consultant (사단법인 한국기술사업화진흥협회)
On-going papers and projects, recent paper awards
Recently submitted
1) "Distributed Precoding for Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Networks Without Sharing CSIT: A Rate-Splitting Approach.", submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Sept. 23, 2023
Recently accepted.
1) J.-H. Jo, J.-N. Shim, C.-B. Chae, D.-K. Kim, Robert W. Heath, “Sparse RF Lens Antenna Array Design for AoA Estimation in Ultra-Wideband Systems: Placement Optimization & Performance Analysis,” accepted to IEEE Wireless Communications, July 27. 2023
TWC paper:
1) IEEE APCC2022 Best Paper Award, "Crammer-Rao Lower Bound of Vehicular Position & Orientation using a Lens-based MIMO in the Cooperative Vehicle-to-Vehicle (v2V) Systems," Jeju Island, 2022.10.19
2) KICS ICTC 2022 Best Workshop Paper Award, "3D Multi-path Geometry Localization using Generalized Approximate Message Passing," Jeju Island, 2022.10.20
3) APIC-IST 2023, Fukuoka City Japan, Best Paper Award, "Expanding Communication Coverage in Maritime Communications: Outage Capacity Analysis of two-Hop Relay and Beamforming," June 25-28 2023
on-going projects:
2022.~ 2028: 인지증강 메타통신 ERC 연구센터 project:
- 스마트 항로표지 및 연계기술 개발 사업
- 다채널 스마트 재밍 제어 기술 개발 사업
2024.7.~ 현재 : YKCS Open RAN Global Research Center (오픈랜 인력양성프로그램 (연세대) )
2024.7.~ 현재 : 5G-A vRAN 연구 플랫폼 개발 사업
2024.7.~ 현재 : 6G Upper-mid Band E-MIMO 시스템 기술 사업