논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2020-08 North Korea's Nuclear and Human Rights Conundrum: Implications for South Korea's Unification Goal PACIFIC FOCUS
2020-07 무역전쟁을 통해서 본 미·중관계의 미래 국제지역연구
2020-06 The UN's Human Security Challenge: The Plight of North Korean Refugees in China 국제관계연구
2020-06 Strategic Implications of a Nuclear North Korea: Europe's Dual Role in Diplomacy and Deterrence KOREAN JOURNAL OF DEFENSE ANALYSIS
2020-03 인도⋅태평양 지역 ‘해양상황인지’ 현황과 ‘쿼드(Quad)’국가의 기여 : 쟁점 및 전망 국가안보와 전략
2019-10 Deja Vu in South Korea? Lessons from the 1992 Philippines Withdrawal WASHINGTON QUARTERLY
2019-03 유엔과 북한인권 신아세아
2016-04 Drawing the Line: Combating Atrocities in North Korea WASHINGTON QUARTERLY
2015-03 북한인권 실태와 인권정책 로드맵 KINU 통일플러스
2014-05 북한인권 개선을 위한 국제사회의 노력 및 우리 정부 국회의 역할 통일과 법률
2013-03 북핵 위협에 정면 승부하는 로드맵 월간헌정
2005-07 미사일 방어체제의 개념과 쟁점 전략연구
2005-06 Rising Security Threats in Northeast Asia and the Significance of Missile Defense NEW ASIA
2003-06 The North Korean nuclear crisis revisited: The case for a negotiated settlement SECURITY DIALOGUE
2003-05 Unravelling the Next East Asian Regional System:Historical Memory, Finite Deterrentce, and Regional PACIFIC FOCUS
2003-05 The United States and the Security Nexus in Northeast Asia, with Special Reference to the Korean Pen JOURNAL OF AMERICAN STUDIES
2003-05 Responding to Japan s Asian Policy: The Korean Claculus JAPANS ASIAN POLICY(TAKASHI INOGUCHI편)-PALGRAVE(전 맥밀란)
2003-05 Potential Threats and Policy Responses of the Major Powers EMERGING THREATS FORCE STRUCTURERES(문정인NATALIE CRAWFORD)-RAND
2003-05 From De Jure to De Facto: The Armistice Treaty and Redefining the Role of the United Nations in the INTERNATIONAL STUDIES REVIEW
2003-05 Asia Pacific Security Outlook 1998 Republic of Korea ASIA PACIFIC SECURITY OUTLOOK 1998 (CHARLES E MORRISON)-JCIE
2003-05 제 6장 안보외교 한국의 외교정책(김달중편)-오름
2003-05 잠재적 안보위협과 강대국의 대응정책 동북아전력구조와 한국의 우주항공력(문정인 이정민 강병철 편역)-오름
2003-05 아태질서의 변화와 재조명: 신아시아론을 중심으로 새천년 한반도 평화구축과 신지역질서론(김달중 문정인 이석수편)-오름
2002-11 Korean-Japanese Relations: The Past, Present, and Future KOREA OBSERVER
2002-11 Japan Must Learn How To Say Sorry DIPLOMACY
2002-11 2002 Presidential Race in South Korea: Domestic Politics in Perspective Asian Affairs
2002-01 The Role of Regional Identity in Asia-Europe Relations with Special Reference to ASEM GLOBAL ECONOMIC REVIEW
2000-03 보스니아 내전과 테이턴 평화협정의 교훈 전략연구
2000-01 The North Korean missiles: A military threat or a survival kit? KOREAN JOURNAL OF DEFENSE ANALYSIS
1999-12 The United States and the Security Nexus in Northeast Asia, with Special Reference to the Korean Peninsula 미국학논집
1998-07 Globalization, Nationalism, and Security Options for SOuth Korea Chung-in Moon and Mo Jongryn eds Democratization and Globalization in South Korea: Assessment and Prospects
1998-07 한국의 안보외교 한국의 외교정책
1998-06 From De Jure to De Facto: The Armistice Treaty and Redefining the Role of the United Nations in the Korean Conflict
1998-05 미·일 방위협력지침과 동북아의 새로운 안보질서 전략연구
1998-01 Security Outlook for South Korea Charles E Morrison ed Asia Pacific Security Outlook
1997-07 Origins of East Asian Nationalism and Its contemporary Implications Dalchoong Kim and Chung-in Moon eds Korea Japan and the United States: Reconstructing History Cognition and Peace in East Asia
1996-07 Redefining National Priority and Intelligence in South Korea Jin Hyun Kim and Chung-in Moon eds Post COld War Democratization and National Intelligence: A Comparative Perspective
1996-01 보이지 않는 정부: CIA는 냉전시대 유물? 신동아 별책 미국:초강국의 빛과 그늘
1995-07 Unravelling the Next East Asian Regional System: Historical Memory Finite Deterrence and egional Cooperation PACIFIC FOCUS
1992-07 Japan Must Learn How To SAy Sorry Diplomacy
1991-07 Japan's Search for a Regional Role The Oxford International Review
1990-07 KOrean-Japanese Relations: The Past, Present, and Future Korea Observer