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[5/14] James Webb Space Telescope: Journey to the L2 Point and Commissioning Activities
게시글 내용

Title: James Webb Space Telescope: Journey to the L2 Point and Commissioning Activities

Speaker: Dr.Sangmo Tony Sohn (Space Telescope Science Institute)

Date & Time: Friday, May 14th, 2021, 11:00-12:00 PM

Location: Online

( https://zoom.us/j/98891379250?pwd=QkZ6M1QrTXlna3F2U09ybGdoeFdyQT09 , It will open at 10:30)


The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will be the largest, most powerful and complex space telescope ever built and launched into space, and will fundamentally change our understanding of the universe. Scheduled to launch later this year in October 31, 2021, JWST will spend its first 30 days traveling to reach its nominal orbit at the Second Lagrange (L2) point. The next ~3 months are dedicated to numerous Telescope commissioning activities for aligning the primary and secondary mirrors, followed by ~2 months of Science Instrument commissioning period for calibrating detectors and instruments aboard JWST. Science observations will only start about 6 months after launch once commissioning is complete. In this talk, I will provide updates on the current preparation status of JWST launch, and highlight the important activities during the first few months after launch. This talk is intended for a broad audience including those majoring in astronomy, space science, astrodynamics, optics, and astronomical instrumentation.

Sangmo Tony Sohn