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[9/17] Seminar (Prof. Min Du) The intrinsic structures and their evolutionary pathways of galaxies, insight ...
게시글 내용

Title: The intrinsic structures and their evolutionary pathways of galaxies, insight from the cosmological simulations IllustrisTNG

Speaker: Prof. Min Du (Xiamen University)

Date & Time: 2021/09/17, 11:00 PM

Location: Online

( https://zoom.us/j/98891379250?pwd=QkZ6M1QrTXlna3F2U09ybGdoeFdyQT09 , It will open at 10:30)


Galaxies host a wide array of internal stellar components, which need to be decomposed accurately in order to understand their formation and evolution. An accurate, efficient, and unsupervised way is developed to study the intrinsic kinematic structures of galaxies from numerical simulations. Especially, disks, bulges and stellar halos are redefined in a kinematic way in comparison with the morphologically-defined bulge and disk in observations. Then, we studied their evolutionary pathways. These results can help interpret observations and provide more insight into the formation and evolution of real galaxies.

Min Du