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[10/29] BK공동세미나 (이용재 교수) Volatile journey to the Earth’s and planetary deep interior
게시글 내용

BK 공동 세미나

제목: Volatile journey to the Earth’s and planetary deep interior

연사: 이용재 교수 (연세대학교 지구시스템과학과)

시간: 2021/10/29, 11:00 오전

장소: 온라인 - ZOOM

( https://yonsei.zoom.us/j/89416955398, 30분 전부터 입장 가능합니다. )

발표언어: 국어


Water is a pivotal ingredient dictating the evolution of the Earth’s and other planetary interiors. In the Earth, water is cycled from the surface into the deep mantle via tectonic activities, while in water-rich planets, water itself forms a ‘separate’ layer from the rocky mantle. Water in deep interiors of the Earth and other planets exists under pressures and temperatures up to million times of atmospheric pressure and thousands of degrees Celsius. Scientists can create such extreme conditions in the lab and study how rocky components interact with water, which drives the planet’s internal processes and geological activities.  In this talk, I will introduce a mineral physicist’s journey of our and other volatile worlds.
