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[11/24][특별세미나]Seeing the unseeable: imaging black holes with the Event Horizon Telescope
게시글 내용


Title: Seeing the unseeable: imaging black holes with the Event Horizon Telescope

Speaker: Dr. Sara Issaoun (Center for Astrophysics | Havard & Smithsonian)

Date&Time: 2022-11-24, 16:30

Location: 과학관 B102 (Science Hall, B102)



While we‘ve had a lot of evidence about the existence of black holes, we‘ve never actually seen one until April 10, 2019. The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) is an ambitious global experiment pushing the boundaries of technological developments that has now obtained the first images of the shadow a supermassive black hole casts on a disk of glowing infalling material, in the giant elliptical galaxy of M87 (in April 2019) and in our own Milky Way galaxy (in May 2022). Our images are consistent with Einstein‘s predictions from over a hundred years ago, showing yet another successful test passed for General Relativity. In this talk, I will walk through the entire EHT experiment that led to the first-ever direct images of black holes revealed in 2019 and earlier this year, and what the future holds for our project.

*We hope many interested undergraduates/graduate students will participate.

Dr. Sara Issaoun