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[03/24] Gravitational wave detector and gravitational wave science as multi astronomy
게시글 내용


Title: Gravitational wave detector and gravitational wave science as multi astronomy

Speaker: Prof. June Gyu Park(Yonsei University, Professor)

Date&Time: 2023-03-24, 11:00

Location: 과학관 B102호(Science Hall, B102)

Language: English



In 2015, with the detection of gravitational waves(GW150914), it was declared that the era of gravitational wave had begun. This was a very important event to the scientific world, enough to immediately win the Nobel Prize, but it is not well  known what kind of research is being done through gravitational wave and gravitational wave detectors after detection of gravitational wave. In this talk, I will briefly introduce gravitational wave and gravitational wave detector. Then, I will introduce data science and astronomical studies such as black hole binary motion, orbit, eccentricity, black hole population, gravitational lensing. Also, I will talk about multi-messenger astronomy based on gravitational wave detector. Lastly, I will introduce research on increasing the sensitivity of gravitational wave detector using quantum non-demolition measurement. Quantum noise of gravitational wave detector is reduced by 3 dB using squeezed vacuum injection technique, and 6 dB broad band reduction will be achieved by frequency dependent squeezing. This technique will be discussed in detail, including its current stage of development and ongoing research for the next generation gravitational wave detector.

Prof. June Gyu Park