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제5회 리베르타스 교양교육 심포지엄[2021 INTERNATIONAL](2021.12.10.)_교양교육으로서의 인문학
학부대학 교양교육연구소
게시글 내용

주제: 교양교육으로서의 인문학(The Humanities as General Education)

발표1] Value Education and the Humanities as General Education- Pf. Emeritus, Sung Ki HONG(Ajou Univ.)

발표2] The Nonutilitarian Utility of the Humanities- Pf. Yuet Keung LO(National Univ. of Singapore)

발표3] Teaching the Humanites or Cultivating Humanity? Reading Classics across Cultures and Disciplines to Bridge the Past and the Future- Pf. Mei Yee LEUNG(Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)

발표4] Human Learning, Learning Human: Approaching General Education in the Anthropocene- Pf. Murray PRATT(Univ. of Amsterdam)

materials_International Symposium_Dec.10.pdf