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[대학원 세미나] 5/27(금) Prof. Tae Chung, M.D.(Johns Hopkins Medical Center) "Bridging Bench to Bedside in Frailty Science"
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▣ 제  목: Bridging Bench to Bedside in Frailty Science

연  사: Prof. Tae Chung, M.D.

소  속: Johns Hopkins Medical Center

일  시: 2022. 5. 27.(Fri) 13:00

장  소: Online(Zoom)

  청: 신동준 교수 

▣ 초  록

Frailty syndrome is a complex clinical condition characterized by a decline in physiological capacity to handle stressors. Frailty is known to be one of the major determinants of lifespan and adverse health outcomes. Frailty syndrome is multifactorial - motor neuronal loss, chronic inflammation, autonomic dysfunction, and mitochondrial dysfunction among others have been proposed to underlie physical frailty. Our laboratory has been focused on understanding biological mechanisms of frailty in specific health conditions, such as aging, long COVID, and inflammatory muscle diseases. Our goal is to develop interventions to prevent and reverse physical frailty, which will eventually lead to extension of lifespan as well as quality of life.


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