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[대학원 세미나] 6/10(금) Prof. Philippe Fraisse( LIRMM- Univ. Of Montpillier) "Physical Human-Robot Interaction"
게시글 내용

기계공학부 구성원들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁 드립니다.

▣ 제  목: Physical Human-Robot Interaction

연  사: Prof. Philippe Fraisse

소  속: LIRMM- Univ. Of Montpillier

일  시: 2022. 6. 10.(Fri) 13:00

장  소: Online(Zoom)

초  청: 신동준 교수 

▣ 초  록

The physical human-robot interaction is currently growing significantly in the industrial field as well as in the personal assistance field. In this context, we will present the recent methodological and experimental developments that have enabled this field of robotics to make considerable progress. We will present specific control techniques for human-robot interaction based on safety constraints. We will also detail the multimodal perception methods that enrich human-robot interaction. Experiments on the dual-arm mobile manipulation platform in the context of pHRI (LIRMM, University of Montpellier) will also be presented.


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