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[논문] 2018. Leveraging your knowledge to my performance
게시글 내용

Kwahk, K. Y., & Park, D. H. (2018). Leveraging your knowledge to my performance: The impact of transactive memory capability on job performance in a social media environment. Computers in Human Behavior, 80, 314-330.


The explosive growth of the internet as the main source of information and knowledge has greatly impacted the manner in which people make use of their memory. As a result, interest in the internet environment, and in particular in the role of transactive memory in a social media environment, has been heightened. Transactive memory is the shared memory system that is formed through interactions between people. Through social media, people have been able to form various human networks, which in turn have made it possible to acquire new information and knowledge. In this sense, the utility of transactive memory has been further increased in a social media environment. This study introduced social interaction, social presence, self-monitoring, and core self-evaluation as the factors impacting the formation of transactive memory capacity. The impacts of transactive memory capability on the tertius iungens orientation and individual job performance were also verified. Data from 225 workers was collected to verify the research model introduced in this study, which was empirically verified using a structural equation model. The study revealed that the four antecedent factors included in the research model significantly impacted individuals’ transactive memory capability and that the transactive memory capability positively influenced the tertius iungens orientation and job performance. Lastly, the results of the study were discussed, and the theoretical and practical implications were introduced.


본 연구는 사람들 간의 상호작용을 통해 형성되는 공유된 기억체계를 의미하는 트랜잭티브 메모리 역량이 다른 구성원을 이롭게 해 주기 위해 또 다른 구성원을 소개해 주거나 지식 또는 정보를 연결해 주고자 하는 특성인 테르티우스 융겐스 성향과 개인의 업무성과에 미치는 영향을 실증적으로 검증하였음. 사이버공동체 생태계 안에서 지식, 정보, 가치관을 전파 및 전달하는 관점에서 트랜잭티브 메모리 역량과 테르티우스 융겐스 성향은 매우 중요한 변수라고 할 수 있음.