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[논문] 2018. The funding factor
게시글 내용

Yan, E., Wu, C., & Song, M. (2018). The funding factor: a cross-disciplinary examination of the association between research funding and citation impact. Scientometrics, 115(1), 369-384.


This paper intends to illuminate the relationship between science funding and citation impact in seven STEMM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine). Using a regression model with Heckman bias correction, we find that funding has a positive, significant association with a paper’s citations in STEMM fields. Further analyses show that this association is magnified by the factors of multiple authorship and multiple institutions. For funded papers in STEM, multi-author and multi-institution papers tend to receive even more citations than single-authored and single-institution papers; however, funded papers in Medicine received less gain in citation impact when either factor is considered. Based on the finding that funding support has a stronger association with citation impact when it is treated as a binary variable than as a count variable, this paper recommends the allocation of funding to researchers without active funding support, instead of giving awards to those with multiple funding supports at hand.


본 연구는 STEMM분야(과학, 기술, 공학, 수학, 의학)에서 과학 기금과 인용 영향 간의 관계를 조명하고, Heckman 편향 보정과 함께 회귀 모델을 사용하여 funding과 STEMM 분야의 논문 인용간의 관계에 대하여 보여주고 있음. 차후 시민 행동과 관련한 연구에서 방법론적 기반을 마련하는데 기여 할 것으로 기대함.