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[대학원] 버팔로대학교 강지은교수_교통세미나 안내
게시글 내용

버팔로대학교 강지은교수_교통세미나 안내

Title : Inferring OD-Pairs and Utility-Based Travel Preferences for Shared Mobility System Users in a Multi-Modal Environment

일  시  : 15. 7. 29(수) 오전10시~
장  소  : 제
1공학관 590

관심있는 대학원생 학생들의 참여를 바랍니다

Bio: Jee Eun (Jamie) Kang is an assistant professor at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Institute of Sustainable Transportation and Logistics, University at Buffalo, the State University of New York. She holds Ph.D. and M.S. from University of California, Irvine, and B.S. from Yonsei University, Korea. Her research interests include activity-based modeling, transportation sustainability, applied operations research, transportation systems, activity-mobility pattern analysis, and transportation network modeling. She was a recipient of Women’s Transportation Seminar graduate scholarship in 2012, and was selected as an Eno Fellow in 2013.