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[4단계 BK사업] 교육연구단 2022 우수실적 수상자 시상
건설환경공학과 관리자
게시글 내용

4단계 BK21 레질리언트 사회기반시설 미래인재양성 교육연구단  

2022 우수실적 수상자 명단

1. 최우수 논문상 (CEE Best Paper of the Year)
• 김형태 (지도교수: 박경수): 재난재해 및 복합재난 대응
Hyeung-TaeKim, D. F. TianaRazakamandimby R., Veronika Szilágyi, Zoltán Kis, László Szentmiklósi, Michal A. Glinicki, Kyoung soo Park. Reconstruction of concrete microstructure using complementarity of X-ray and neutron tomography. Cement and Concrete Research, 148, 106540 (2021).


• 서호철 (지도교수: 김연주): 기후변화 적응
Hocheol Seo, Yeonjoo Kim. Role of remotely sensed leaf area index assimilation in eco-hydrologic processes in different ecosystems over East Asia with Community Land Model version 4.5 – Biogeochemistry. Journal of Hydrology 594, 125957 (2021).


2. 우수 논문상 (CEE Excellent Paper of the Year)

• 주성하 (지도교수: 허 준): 스마트시티인프라
Sung ha Ju, Hyoung joon Lim, Jong Won Ma, Soo hyun Kim, Kyung do Lee, Shuhe Zhao, Joon Heo. Optimal county-level crop yield prediction using MODIS-based variables and weather data: A comparative study on machine learning models. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 307, 108530 (2021).


• Roent Dune Cayetano (지도교수: 김상현): 에너지 및 자원순환

Roent Dune A. Cayetano, Gi-Beom Kim, Jong-Hun Park, Min-Jae Lee, Sang-Hyoun Kim. Anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge using dynamic membrane at varying substrate concentration reveals new insight towards methanogenic pathway and biofilm formation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 423, 130249 (2021).


• 조경우 (지도교수: 김연주): 기후변화 적응

Kyeung woo Cho, Yeon joo Kim. Improving streamflow prediction in the WRF-Hydro model with LSTM networks. Journal of Hydrology, 605, 127297 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.127297

• 정주형 (지도교수: 김상현): 에너지 및 자원순환

Ju-Hyeong Jung, Young-Bo Sim, Jong-Hun Park, Ashok Pandey, Sang-Hyoun Kim. Novel dynamic membrane, metabolic flux balance and PICRUSt analysis for high-rate biohydrogen production at various substrate concentrations. Chemical Engineering Journal 420(part 2), 127685 (2021).


• 박상윤 (지도교수: 허 준): 스마트시티인프라
Sangyoon Park, Sungha Ju, Sanghyun Yoon, Minh Hieu Nguyen, Joon Heo. An efficient data structure approach for BIM-to-point-cloud change detection using modifiable nested octree. Automation in Construction 132 , 103922 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2021.103922

• 김주현 (지도교수: 김형관): 스마트시티인프라
Juhyeon Kim, Duho Chung, Yohan Kim, Hyoungkwan Kim. Deep learning-based 3D reconstruction of scaffolds using a robot dog. Automtion in Construction 134, 104092 (2022).


3. 우수 리더상 (CEE Leader of the Year)

• 김성문 (지도교수: 김상현)

• 김수형 (지도교수: 임윤묵) 


4. 우수 기술상 (CEE Excellent Technology of the Year)

• 송수민 (지도교수: 정상섬): 재난재해 및 복합재난 대응
- 등록번호 : 10-2349744
- 특허명칭 : 지반조건계수로 산출된 동적 수평지반반력 보정계수를 이용한 말뚝의 동적수평거동 예측시스템

• 이민주 (지도교수: 박준홍): 에너지 및 자원순환
- 등록번호 : 10-2278666
- 특허명칭 : 수환경 내 미생물 군집 제어 장치 및 방법(Water Microorganism Community Control Apparatus and Method)