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Research & Laboratory

세미나 [06/10] Bio-Inspired multiscale integration towards the next level of intelligent systems
게시글 내용


< BK21 플러스 BEST 정보기술 사업단 세미나 개최 안내 >


개최일시 : 2015 6 10일 수요일 16:00 ~17:00

개최장소 :   2공학관 B701

세미나 제목 : Bio-Inspired multiscale integration towards the next level of intelligent systems

발표초록 : 

The efforts to learn and take inspiration from nature have proven successful in a wide range of areas such as epidermal electronics, dry adhesion, optical systems and biomimetic materials. Here, we report that the wing locking device of beetles can be exploited to form a reversible interlocker based on van der Waals force-assisted binding between high aspect-ratio polymer hairs. For potential applications to multifunctional mechano-sensitive devices, the assembled device demonstrates an excellent gauge factor of ~11.45 and can measure simultaneously three different mechanical stimuli such as pressure, shear force, and torsion with high sensitivity and wide dynamic range. In advance, we present a simple wearable bandage-like capacitive pressure sensor, which adopted bio-inspired designs to achieve ultra-conformity on non-flat surfaces and substantial enhancement in the signal-to-noise ratio of the retrieved signals from the human body. It is demonstrated that the waveforms retrieved from a healthy subject and a person with cardiac diseases show different patterns, suggesting that the device can be advantageous toward expeditious diagnosis of cardiovascular and cardiac illnesses.


강연자 방창현 교수 / 성균관대학교 화학공학부

초청자 : 전기전자공학과 교수 이태윤