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Research & Laboratory

세미나 [03/24] New Techniques for Orthopedic MRI
게시글 내용

< BK21 플러스 BEST 정보기술 사업단 세미나 개최 안내 >


개최일시 : 2016 03 24일 목요일 11:30 ~ 12:30

개최장소 : 공학원 259 (3세미나실)

세미나 제목 : New Techniques for Orthopedic MRI

발표초록 :

Osteoarthritis (OA) affects the majority of people at some point in their lives.  Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offers excellent soft-tissue contrast, as well as the flexibility to image different physical mechanisms.  MRI is therefore particularly useful for the study of OA.  Although there are numerous promising techniques, the double-echo steady-state (DESS) approach offers 3D imaging as well as ability to map T2 and diffusion in the short-T2 connective tissues including cartilage, meniscus and tendons.  The first part of this talk will cover the technical considerations of DESS, and provide imaging examples.

In late-stage OA, loss of cartilage can result in considerable pain, for which a common treatment is a total joint replacement.  Complications with joint replacements motivate post-operative imaging, where again the soft tissue contrast of MRI makes it useful.  Although MRI is safe for imaging many implanted devices, a number of image artifact mechanisms can result.  Recently several groups have made advances in techniques to substantially reduce such artifacts with so-called multi-spectral imaging (MSI) methods.  The second part of this talk will describe metal artifacts and different approaches to avoid these artifacts.


강연자 : Prof. Brian Hargreaves / Stanford University

초청자 : 전기전자공학과 교수 김동현B