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Research & Laboratory

세미나 [04/14] Random finite set filters and their applications
게시글 내용

< BK21 플러스 BEST 정보기술 사업단 세미나 개최 안내 >


개최일시 : 2016 04 14일 목요일 11:00 ~ 13:00

개최장소 : 공학원 379c

세미나 제목 : Random finite set filters and their applications

발표초록 :

The last decade has witnessed exciting developments in multi-target state estimation with the introduction of stochastic geometry to the field. Stochastic geometry--the marriage between geometry and probability--is a mathematical discipline that deals with random spatial patterns. The history of stochastic geometry traces back to the problem of Buffon's needle and has long been used by statisticians in many diverse applications including astronomy, atomic physics, biology, sampling theory, stereology, etc. Since 2003, Mahler's seminal work on the random finite set approach to multi-object filtering, which culminated in the probability hypothesis density (PHD) filter, has continued to attract substantial interests from academia and industry alike. The PHD filters have been used in oil pipeline

tracking by British Petrolium, ground target tracking in the September 2007 NATO Bold Avengerdefence exercise and the US space fence program by Lockheed Martin. This seminar presents an overview of the random finite set paradigm to dynamic state estimation and outlines recent developments beyond the PHD filters as well as applications in areas such as sensor scheduling, computer vision, and field robotics.


강연자 : 김두용(Research fellow) / Curtin University, Electrical and Computing Engineering

초청자 : 전기전자공학과 교수 김은태