논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-08 The influence of ligands passivation on strength of Fermi level pinning in the quantum dots interface Applied Surface Science
2024-03 Visualizing the Low-Energy Electronic Structure of Prototypical Hybrid Halide Perovskite through Clear Band Measurements ACS Nano
2023-12 Enhancing photostability of 2D Ruddlesden–Popper perovskite via molecular acceptor passivation of metallic lead defects Applied Physics Reviews
2023-10 Work function tuning of directly grown graphene via ultraviolet–ozone treatment for electrode application in organic photovoltaic devices Surfaces and Interfaces
2023-08 Exceptional Spin‐to‐Charge Conversion in Selective Band Topology of Bi/Bi<sub>1‐x</sub>Sb<sub>x</sub> with Spintronic Singularity Advanced Functional Materials
2023-07 3PTZ and 3PXZ small molecular hole-transporting materials in polymer light-emitting diodes Journal of Materials Chemistry C
2023-06 Development of Deuteration Technology to Improve Lifetime of OLED EX and Identification of Stability of Deuterated Materials Digest of Technical Papers - SID International Symposium
2023-06 Positive charge-mediated phase modulation of MoTe2 synthesized by molecular beam epitaxy Applied Surface Science
2023-05 Biexciton binding energy in CH3NH3PbBr3 as determined by multiphoton photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy Current Applied Physics
2023-04 Impact of light illumination on the surface structure of two-dimensional Ruddlesden-Popper perovskite in the fabrication process JPhys Energy
2023-02 Self-Assembled TaOX/2H-TaS2 as a van der Waals Platform of a Multilevel Memristor Circuit Integrated with a β‑Ga2O3 Transistor ACS Nano
2023-02 Degradation-induced energy level mismatch in cohost-dopant blue phosphorescent OLEDs after device operation Applied Surface Science
2022-12 Ambipolar Nonvolatile Memory Behavior and Reversible Type-Conversion in MoSe&lt;inf&gt;2&lt;/inf&gt;/MoSe&lt;inf&gt;2&lt;/inf&gt; Transistors with Modified Stack Interface Advanced Functional Materials
2022-06 Catalyst-free synthesis of sub-5 nm silicon nanowire arrays with massive lattice contraction and wide bandgap Nature Communications
2022-03 Commensurate Assembly of C60 on Black Phosphorus for Mixed-Dimensional van der Waals Transistors SMALL
2022-03 Observation of 3D Biexcitons in Pristine-Quality CH3NH3PbBr3 Single Crystals ADVANCED MATERIALS
2022-02 Elucidation of hole transport mechanism in efficient energy cascade organic photovoltaics using triple donor system APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2021-11 Hole injection improvement using ultrathin Li-TFSI layer in organic light-emitting diodes JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY
2021-11 Substrate temperature-dependent diffusion from CdS/ZnO:Al layer into the absorber layer in Cu(In, Ga)Se2 solar cell during the deposition of ZnO:Al window layer JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY
2021-10 Lithium Polystyrene Sulfonate as a Hole Transport Material in Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL
2021-06 Mechanism and Timescales of Reversible p-Doping of Methylammonium Lead Triiodide by Oxygen ADVANCED MATERIALS
2021-05 Effect of waiting time of indium tin oxide electrode in entry chamber on organic light-emitting diodes JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY
2021-04 Tribodiffusion-driven triboelectric nanogenerators based on MoS2 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A
2021-04 Impact of gamma-ray irradiation on the electronic structures of PCBM and P3HT organic semiconductor films POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY
2021-04 Dramatic Reduction of Contact Resistance via Ultrathin LiF in Two-Dimensional MoS2 Field Effect Transistors NANO LETTERS
2021-03 Nanowatt use 8 V switching nonvolatile memory transistors with 2D MoTe2 channel and ferroelectric P(VDF-TrFE) NANO ENERGY
2021-02 Dynamic Oscillation via Negative Differential Resistance in Type III Junction Organic/Two‐Dimensional and Oxide/Two‐Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Diodes ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS
2020-12 Origin of temperature-dependent performance of hole-transport-layer-free perovskite solar cells doped with CuSCN ORGANIC ELECTRONICS
2020-11 High-Performance van der Waals Junction Field-Effect Transistors Utilizing Organic Molecule/Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Interface ACS NANO
2020-10 2D TMD Channel Transistors with ZnO Nanowire Gate for Extended Nonvolatile Memory Applications ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS
2020-09 In Situ Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Theoretical Calculation Study of Thermally Evaporated Copper Naphthalocyanine SCIENCE OF ADVANCED MATERIALS
2020-07 Role of CdSe and CdSe@ZnS quantum dots interlayers conjugated in inverted polymer solar cells ORGANIC ELECTRONICS
2020-06 Simple Artificial Neuron Using an Ovonic Threshold Switch Featuring Spike-Frequency Adaptation and Chaotic Activity PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED
2020-06 Direct conjugation with a zero length linker of fullerene C-70 to ZnO quantum dots for multicolor light-emitting diodes Materials Horizons
2020-06 Enhanced Photoinduced Carrier Generation Efficiency through Surface Band Bending in Topological Insulator Bi<inf>2</inf>Se<inf>3</inf>Thin Films by the Oxidized Layer ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES
2020-06 Compositional effect in pentagonal layered PdSe<inf>2</inf><inf>-x</inf>S<inf>x</inf> solid-solutions and their transport properties SCRIPTA MATERIALIA
2020-03 Self-Powered Visible-Invisible Multiband Detection and Imaging Achieved Using High-Performance 2D MoTe2/MoS2 Semivertical Heterojunction Photodiodes ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES
2020-03 Realization of Excitation Wavelength Independent Blue Emission of ZnO Quantum Dots with Intrinsic Defects ACS PHOTONICS
2020-02 Low Voltage and Ferroelectric 2D Electron Devices Using Lead-Free BaxSr1-xTiO3 and MoS2 Channel ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS
2020-02 Metal-electrode-free inverted organic photovoltaics using electrospray-deposited PEDOT:PSS and spin-coated HAT-CN exciton blocking layer CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS
2020-01 Impact of Diethyl Ether Dripping Delay Time on the Electronic Structure of Methylammonium Lead Triiodide Perovskite Film JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY
2019-12 ZnO:Ga-graded ITO electrodes to control interface between PCBM and ITO in planar perovskite solar cells SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF ADVANCED MATERIALS
2019-11 Band Alignment Engineering between Planar SnO2 and Halide Perovskites via Two-Step Annealing JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS
2019-11 MoS2 triboelectric nanogenerators based on depletion layers NANO ENERGY
2019-11 Trap-assisted high responsivity of a phototransistor using bi-layer MoSe2 grown by molecular beam epitaxy APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2019-11 Unveiling the origin of performance reduction in perovskite solar cells with TiO<inf>2</inf> electron transport layer: Conduction band minimum mismatches and chemical interactions at buried interface APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2019-11 Molecular flux distribution from the thermal evaporation source using Monte Carlo method: The importance of interparticle collision CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS
2019-10 Optimization of the electron transport in quantum dot light-emitting diodes by codoping ZnO with gallium (Ga) and magnesium (Mg) RSC ADVANCES
2019-10 Double-layer structured hole injection layer to enhance quantum-dot lightemitting emitting diodes THIN SOLID FILMS
2019-09 Iridium on vertical graphene as an all-round catalyst for robust water splitting reactions JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A
2019-09 Charge transport effect and photovoltaic conversion of two-dimensional CdSeS quantum dot monolayers in inverted polymer solar cells JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C
2019-09 Composition-dependent topological-insulator properties of epitaxial (Bi<inf>1-x</inf>Sb<inf>x</inf>)<inf>2</inf>(Te<inf>1-y</inf>Se<inf>y</inf>)<inf>3</inf> thin films JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
2019-09 Integrated advantages from perovskite photovoltaic cell and 2D MoTe<inf>2</inf> transistor towards self-power energy harvesting and photosensing NANO ENERGY
2019-08 Electronic structure and Fermi-level pinning of indigo for application in environment-friendly devices APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2019-07 Thickness-Dependent Electronic Transport in Ultrathin, Single Crystalline Silicon Nanomembranes ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS
2019-07 Phase formation and local charge transport of lead-free CH <inf>3</inf> NH <inf>3</inf> Sn(I <inf>1−x</inf> Br <inf>x</inf> ) <inf>3</inf> (0 ≤ x ≤ 1)perovskite solar cells fabricated by solvent optimization SOLAR ENERGY
2019-06 Effect of counter-ions on the properties and performance of non-conjugated polyelectrolyte interlayers in solar cell and transistor devices RSC ADVANCES
2019-06 Low-temperature and solution-processable inorganic hole injection layer for flexible quantum-dot light-emitting diodes CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS
2019-06 Direct p-doping of Li-TFSI for efficient hole injection: Role of polaronic level in molecular doping APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2019-06 P-type Sb-doped Cu<inf>2</inf>O Hole Injection Layer Integrated on Transparent ITO Electrode for Acidic PEDOT:PSS-Free Quantum Dot Light Emitting Diodes PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE
2019-05 Electronic structure of Ba(OH) <inf>2</inf> interface in inverted organic photovoltaics: Improved electron transport by charged state of C <inf>60</inf> APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2019-05 Electronic Structure of Nonionic Surfactant-Modified PEDOT:PSS and Its Application in Perovskite Solar Cells with Reduced Interface Recombination ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES
2019-04 Impact of Organic Molecule-Induced Charge Transfer on Operating Voltage Control of Both n-MoS2 and p-MoTe2 Transistors NANO LETTERS
2019-04 Design of InZnSnO Semiconductor Alloys Synthesized by Supercycle Atomic Layer Deposition and Their Rollable Applications ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES
2019-04 Interfacial electronic structure between a W-doped In <inf>2</inf> O <inf>3</inf> transparent electrode and a V <inf>2</inf> O <inf>5</inf> hole injection layer for inorganic quantum-dot light-emitting diodes RSC ADVANCES
2019-03 Chrysanthemum-Like CoP Nanostructures on Vertical Graphene Nanohills as Versatile Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING
2019-03 Intrinsic Correlation between Electronic Structure and Degradation: From Few-Layer to Bulk Black Phosphorus ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION
2019-02 Paradoxical hole injection enhancement by contamination on the indium tin oxide surface JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS
2018-12 Van der Waals junction field effect transistors with both n- and p-channel transition metal dichalcogenides npj 2D Materials and Applications
2018-11 Efficient Electron Mobility in an All-Acceptor Napthalenediimide-Bithiazole Polymer Semiconductor with Large Backbone Torsion ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES
2018-10 Resolving Hysteresis in Perovskite Solar Cells with Rapid Flame-Processed Cobalt-Doped TiO2 ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS
2018-10 Selective SnOx Atomic Layer Deposition Driven by Oxygen Reactants ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES
2018-10 Experimental demonstration of in situ stress-driven optical modulations in flexible semiconducting thin films with enhanced photo-detecting capability CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS
2018-09 Fully Transparent p-MoTe2 2D Transistors Using Ultrathin MoOx/Pt Contact Media for Indium-Tin-Oxide Source/Drain ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS
2018-06 Improved Stability of Interfacial Energy-Level Alignment in Inverted Planar Perovskite Solar Cells ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES
2018-06 Energy level alignment and hole injection property of poly(9-vinylcarbazole)/indium tin oxide interface CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS
2018-06 Bifunctional Electrodeposited 3D NiCoSe2/Nickle Foam Electrocatalysts for Its Applications in Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Reaction and for Hydrazine Oxidation ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING
2018-05 Introducing paired electric dipole layers for efficient and reproducible perovskite solar cells Energy & Environmental Science
2018-04 Interface and bulk properties of Cu(In, Ga)Se-2 solar cell with a cracker-ZnS buffer layer CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS
2018-02 Electronic structure of C60/zinc phthalocyanine/V2o5 interfaces studied using photoemission spectroscopy for organic photovoltaic applications MOLECULES
2017-12 Induced Superaerophobicity onto a Non-superaerophobic Catalytic Surface for Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Reaction ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES
2017-12 Highly Sensitive Flexible Pressure Sensors Based on Printed Organic Transistors with Centro-Apically Self-Organized Organic Semiconductor Microstructures ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES
2017-11 Quasi-High-Pressure Effects in Transition-Metal-Rich Dichalcogenide, Hf<inf>3</inf>Te<inf>2</inf> JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C
2017-10 Synthesis and Electroluminescence Properties of 3-(Trifluoromethyl)phenyl-Substituted 9,10-Diarylanthracene Derivatives for Blue Organic Light-Emitting Diodes APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
2017-10 Unraveling the Charge Extraction Mechanism of Perovskite Solar Cells Fabricated with Two-Step Spin Coating: Interfacial Energetics between Methylammonium Lead Iodide and C60 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS
2017-10 Enhancing the Performance of Inverted Organic Photovoltaics Using Cathode Interlayers Based on Solution-Processable Tetrabutylammonium Halides PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI-RAPID RESEARCH LETTERS
2017-09 Characterization of Rotational Stacking Layers in Large-Area MoSe<inf>2</inf> Film Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Interaction with Photon ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES
2017-06 Electronic Structures of Nucleosides as Promising Functional Materials for Electronic Devices JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C
2017-06 Unveiling the Electronic Structure of ZnO-C-60 Core-Shell Quantum Dots: The Origin of Efficient Electron Transport JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C
2017-05 Superaerophobic graphene nano-hills for direct hydrazine fuel cells NPG ASIA MATERIALS
2017-04 A solution-processable inorganic hole injection layer that improves the performance of quantum-dot light-emitting diodes CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS
2017-04 Multi-functional nitrogen self-doped graphene quantum dots for boosting the photovoltaic performance of BHJ solar cells NANO ENERGY
2017-04 Energy level alignment at C-60/DTDCTB/PEDOT:PSS interfaces in organic photovoltaics APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE