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[일반] [미국대사관 아메리칸센터 초청장] Success Seminar - April
게시글 내용

안녕하세요. 주한미국대사관 아메리칸센터 주최 성공 세미나시리즈에 관심있는 대학생/대학원생 분들을 초청합니다.

American Center Korea, U.S. Embassy Seoul Success Seminar Series


  • 2021 4 2 (), 2:00-3:30 p.m.  
    How to Overcome Perfectionism:
    Perfectionism prevents progress. In this Success Seminar, Success Coach Dominique will teach you the negative impact of a perfectionist attitude when it comes to building and creating something new in your life or career. Perfectionism is good to a certain degree, however, it must be balanced with imperfect progress towards one’s goals.

  • 2021 4 16 (), 2:00-3:30 p.m.
    How to Reframe Failure for your Success:
    Failure is often seen as a negative aspect of life. In this Success Seminar, Success Coach Dominique will teach you how to think differently about failure and instead see it as a learning opportunity in your overall life experience. Failing is not inherently bad, but demonstrates your willingness to take risks and believe in yourself.

  • 연사: Dominique Narciso (Success Coach and Founder of The Narciso Kim Group, M.A. in International Affairs, Georgetown University) (연사 강연 및 질의응답이 영어로 진행됩니다)

  •     온라인 화상강연프로그램 (via ZOOM) 
  •     사전참가신청링크 (RSVP) - 사전참가신청 필수프로그램 참여는 무료입니다.
  •      http://bit.ly/SuccessSeminarACK




미국대사관 아메리칸센터 
