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[초청 세미나] 11/8(월) 박우성 교수(숙명여자대학교) “Thermal Challenges in Information Devices: from Heat Generation to its Dissipation ”
게시글 내용

기계 공학부 구성원들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁 드립니다.

▣ 제   목: Thermal Challenges in Information Devices:from Heat Generation to its Dissipation

연   사: 박우성 교수

소   속: 숙명여자 대학교

일   시: 2021. 11. 8.(월) 16:00

장   소: Online(Zoom)

▣ 초   록

With decreasing feature sizes along “Moore’s law” and the associated increase in power density, heat dissipation is arguably the most important problem facing electronic chips today. The thermal conduction within a chip comprises multi-stage challenges from devices into the substrate. The propagation is further impeded by transistors and neighboring interconnects as principles break down at the length scale. To tackle such thermal challenges, for decades, a significant effort has been made from nanoscale thermal characterization to engineering fabrication process. This presentation comprises into three parts: a direct quantification of heat generation due to incident of high energy electrons, thermal transport in nanomaterials, and our approaches to improve thermal transport in an atomic film. First, I will discuss the origin of heat generation due to electron conduction. To directly capture the heat generation, we specifically design and develop a nanowatt calorimeter, compatible with a transmission electron microscopy. In combination of the calorimeter and electron energy loss spectroscopy, we unveil the origin of heat generation show that the characteristic length scale contributing to heat generation is longer than those for the other inelastic phenomena. The second part of this talk will discuss quasi-ballistic phonon transport in nanostructured materials. I also discuss the modification of phonon transport characteristics from Brownian motion to Levy walk due to increased boundary scattering with large axial angles. The last part will introduce an approach to improve electronic and thermal properties of atomic thin films with the modulation of plasma treatment. In this work, a substrate bias during plasma exposure serves as a temporally selective heat treatment during atomic layer deposition, extending a processing temperature.

Zoom: https://yonsei.zoom.us/j/88443132706?pwd=YkMxWWpMYXgrdHZvUC9XRTdkY2pUZz09

회의 ID: 884 4313 2706
암호: 752967

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