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[BK21 세미나] 11/8(월) 윤용진 교수(카이스트) "On the road to hydrogen society: enabling technologies toward “Carbon Net-Zero"
게시글 내용

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제   목On the road to hydrogen society: enabling technologies toward “Carbon Net-Zero”

연   사: 윤용진 교수

소   속: 카이스트

일   시: 2021. 11. 8.(Mon) 17:00

장   소: 제4공학관 D603호

초   청: 송순호 교수

초   록

The urgent need for suppressing carbon emission drives a drastic and active change in the energy landscape. While we are still at the dawn of new energy era, hydrogen is widely believed to play a crucial role in the clean energy ecosystem. In this talk, I will first discuss why hydrogen is inevitably a critical component of the new energy ecosystem and how hydrogen will be produced and consumed. These will be followed by a discussion on the representative applications of hydrogen-mediated systems and a comparison with battery-based systems especially for vehicles. I will also present the current states of related technologies for production, storages, delivery and use of hydrogen such as fuel cells.

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