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[BK세미나] 6/10(월) 김가람 교수(Purdue University)" Physics Based Digital Twin Simulation Driven Fiber-Reinforced Composites Addi
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▣ 주   제Physics Based Digital Twin Simulation Driven Fiber-Reinforced Composites Additive Manufacturing for Tooling Application

연   사: 김가람 교수

소   속Purdue University

일   시: 2024. 6. 10.(월) 11:00

장   소: 제4공학관 D504호

초   청: 현재상 교수

▣ 초   록

The Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing (LSAM) process is a form of Extrusion Deposition Additive Manufacturing (EDAM) that uses fiber-reinforced thermoplastics to achieve deposition rates of up to 220 kg/hr. This enables the rapid fabrication of multi-meter long tooling for producing composite parts in the aerospace, automotive, wind energy, and marine industries. However, the intrinsic characteristics of fiber-reinforced composite materials, which are highly anisotropic, and the non-isothermal nature of additive manufacturing produce stresses that can lead to deformation and delamination of the printed geometry. This challenge motivated the development of a physics-based virtual twin for additive manufacturing, ADDITIVE3D, which predicts residual stresses, deformation, interlayer bonding, and potential delamination. Additionally, this virtual twin enables the investigation of the performance of the as-printed state, considering effects such as residual stresses, global material orientation, and interlayer bonding developed during printing. Predicting and compensating for shape changes due to printing, machining, and during the operation of printed autoclave tooling at temperatures of up to 180°C is of paramount importance for the successful implementation of this technology.

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