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[BK세미나] 6/10(월) 최준기 교수(University of Dayton)"Multiscale Pathways for Achieving Carbon Neutrality through Industrial Deca
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▣ 주   제: Multiscale Pathways for Achieving Carbon Neutrality through Industrial Decarbonization

연   사: 최준기 교수

소   속University of Dayton

일   시: 2024. 6. 10.(월) 13:00

장   소: 제4공학관 D404호

초   청: 민병권 교수

▣ 초   록

The industrial sector represents a significant portion, exceeding one-third of the total energy consumption in the United States. The objective of this presentation is to introduce methodologies geared toward the realization of carbon neutrality goals by means of industrial decarbonization. The initial facet of exploration encompasses a practical case study, elucidating the achievement of carbon neutrality within a manufacturing facility, facilitated by improvements in industrial energy efficiency. The second methodology delineates a strategy for attaining carbon neutrality across the industrial sector through comprehensive means, incorporating the adoption of life cycle assessments and the integration of environmentally sustainable supply chain management. The third aspect is concerned with the assessment of the broader implications associated with industrial decarbonization. This phase seeks to evaluate the far-reaching economic, environmental, and societal impacts arising from the decarbonization of industrial processes, extending its focus to both local communities and national entities. The overarching objective is to provide valuable insights into the intricate interplay between economic sectors and manufacturing industries, thereby empowering policymakers to initiate transformative sustainability programs on a local, state, and nationwide scale.

Keywords: industrial decarbonization, carbon neutrality, energy efficiency, industrial energy assessment

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