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[BK세미나] 6/12(수) Shoji Takeuchi 교수(The University of Tokyo) "Biohybrid Robotics"
게시글 내용

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▣ 주   제: Biohybrid Robotics

연   사: Shoji Takeuchi 교수

소   속: The University of Tokyo 

일   시: 2024. 6. 12.(수) 11:00

장   소: 제4공학관 D405호

초   청: 김종백 교수

▣ 초   록

Humanity has developed various systems and technologies to meet the needs of society, from humanoid robots and smartphones to self-driving cars. However, we have yet to fully harness the unique functions found in nature for industrial use. For instance, developing artificial constructs that replicate the exceptional functionalities of living organisms—such as the ultra-sensitive and highly selective olfactory sensors found in dogs and insects, reactors like cells that can self-replicate and self-repair, or the energy-efficient movements and information processing of muscles and brains—presents significant challenges. One approach to solving these challenges is to integrate actual biological parts found in nature with artificial materials to create systems that can be applied in the real world if artificial means alone prove insufficient. This approach is embodied in the concept of "biohybrid" systems.

Biohybrid (BH) systems are composed of four key technological elements:

(1) BH Sensors, (2) BH Reactors, (3) BH Actuators, and (4) BH Processors. Sensors can detect substances at the molecular level with high sensitivity using proteins or cells, making them applicable for diagnosing health conditions through breath analysis or detecting the scent of explosives. Reactors can mimic biological reactions, offering devices that can be applied in drug discovery models or as artificial organs for transplant medicine. Actuators contribute to silent, high-efficiency robotic actuators and research into cultured meat production without relying on livestock. Processors, as an advanced form of neuro-engineering, are envisioned to function as ultra-efficient logical computation devices capable of brain-like processing. This presentation aims to discuss the integration of these device technologies within biohybrid robotics.

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