모바일 메뉴 닫기

교수진 소개


이준성(Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan)


이 준 성

전공 스포츠 경영 및 마케팅
연구실 스포츠과학관 318호 TEL :(02)2123-3191
강의과목 - 학부: 스포츠비즈니스, 스포츠스폰서십마케팅, 농구, 스포츠응용산업학개론
- 대학원: 스포츠서비스마케팅, 스포츠소비자행동연구
주요경력 연세대학교 스포츠응용산업학과 학과장
Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Management, University of Florida
Post-doc Research Fellow/Lecturer, University of Michigan
대한농구협회 미래발전위원
국민체육진흥공단 기금평가위원
대한체조협회 공정위원
한국스포츠산업경영학외 이사
한국스포츠미디어학회 이사
Journal of Global Sport Management, 출판위원
체육과학연구학술지, 출판위원
Dr. Joon Sung Lee is an Associate Professor with the Department of Sport Industry Studies at Yonsei University. His primary research encompasses topics surrounding corruption in Sport as a critical sociocultural issue from the sport marketing perspective. Focusing on athlete transgression, he has conducted a line of research investigating how sport consumers process an athlete endorser’s transgression information and respond to the troubled athlete in different ways. This line of research has been extended to a variety of topics in athlete endorsement domain. His work has been published in top peer-reviewed business and sport journals (e.g., Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Sport Management, Sport Management Review, Sport Marketing Quarterly, and more).