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1월 17일 주일설교-조은식 목사(Speak, for your servant is listening)
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Speak, for your servant is listening.

1 Samuel 3:1-10

Have you ever had a scary dream when you were young and ran to your parents? I had that experience when I was young. Whenever I had a scary dream and entered my father's arms, I used to feel the warmth, and stability. I still remember that to this day.

In 1 Samuel 3:1-10 that we read today, the story of Samuel going to Eli, the priest, thinking that Eli the priest is calling, after hearing the voice of God while sleeping. However, it is not only the story of Samuel sleeping while listening to the voice of God and going to the priest Eli, but in this story, the corruption of the religious leaders of that time are revealed. And in verse 20 we see that it leads to a generational change of spiritual leaders. Maybe this story is similar to what we go through today. Let's look at the lessons that can be learned from this story.

First of all, verse 1 says that the Lord's words were rare and visions did not appear often. This tells us the situation at the time when people were indifferent to God's Word. This is the point where you can guess to what extent society was corrupted. No matter how dark the times are, God's people can be comforted and refreshed by the Word of God. But, unfortunately, there is no word. The fact that the Lord's words were rarely spoken by God does not mean that God did not speak to them, but rather that even though God gave the Word through various channels, no one heard the Word correctly and responded to it. We can see that society was not only corrupt, but also it was a time of spiritual decline.

In fact, it would have been up to Eli, the judge and the priest, to listen, interpret, and communicate the Word. However, Eli was not able to fulfill that mission. Verse 2 says that he couldn't see well because his eyes were darkened. This doesn't just mean he had presbyopia as he got older. It is hinted that judgment has been blurred. And his spiritual eyes were darkened as a priest. That's how Eli's spiritual numbness was expressed. Eli has been a judge and priest for over 40 years. But she has now become an incompetent priest. His past career did not represent his present spiritual state. No matter how long he has been a judge and a priest, if he did not stand right before God now, his past career was meaningless. What matters is what kind of relationship you have with God now.

Already in chapter 1, seeing Hannah praying and misunderstanding that she was drunk, we can see that Eli's spiritual eyes are dark. Also, even though God warned him about the education of Eli's children, that was also seen in the inability to neglect God's warning and not rebuke her children (v. 13). As a priest and as a father, it is abandonment. In addition, Eli did not hear the voice of God calling Samuel, and he did not realize that the voice was God's calling until Samuel visited Eli twice (verses 4-7). If the spiritual state of Eli, the priest, was so insensitive, I think we can see what the general people would have been like.

Unlike Eli, who was spiritually helpless despite being a priest and who did not properly educate his sons by scolding the faults of his sons, Hannah was a woman of faith who prayed. She was the one who kept the promise (1:11) that if she gave birth to a son, she would give that son to God. It is no easy task to present a son to God after suffering severe grievances due to no children. However, after the baby was weaned, Hannah took him to the house of God (1:24-28) and entrusted the young Samuel to Eli, the priest, to serve and grow up in the house of God. From Hannah's point of view, how difficult would she have wanted to boast in front of others of her son, who was born with the grace of God? However, Hannah did not do so for her own satisfaction. Hannah gives her son to God to keep her promise with God, and she is thankful to praise God. That is Hannah's prayer in 2:1-10. This is the difference between Eli and Hannah. They were very different as parents.

Today's story tells the story of Samuel's spiritual condition and spiritual growth in contrast to Eli.

First, Samuel was a man who served God. As soon as Samuel weaned him, he grew up serving God under Eli the priest, whom he prayed for blessing him to be born, and in the temple where his mother Hannah prayed. The word “little Samuel” in verse 1 tells us that Samuel was a child. If so, he seems to have served the Lord for about 10 years or so, having been educated in faith with Eli. However, in verse 1 there is no saying that Eli served the Lord. Since Eli has been a priest for over 40 years, I wonder if he has fallen into mannerism. Samuel worked with a sense of duty, but I think Eli did it reluctantly.

Secondly, Samuel was close to God. In verses 2 and 3, it is recorded that Eli lied in his place, and Samuel lay in the temple of the Lord, where the ark of God is. This is not to say whether he slept in the temple or in his own house. But this is to say whether he lived a life that was always close to God or did he do God's work only when necessary or obligatory. In other words, Samuel served the Lord in the temple during the day, slept in the temple of the Lord at night, and was always close to God. But Eli, the priest, did not. This is the distinction between Eli and Samuel. Samuel was the center of the temple.

Third, if Eli was spiritually insensitive, Samuel was spiritually sensitive. Hearing the voice of God calling Samuel, Samuel immediately said, “I am here.” Then he replied and went to the priest Eli. He had never heard the voice of the Lord, and Samuel, who had no spiritual experience yet, knew that the priest Eli was calling. To this, verse 7 explains that Samuel did not yet know the Lord and the words of the Lord had not been revealed to him. It was only when Samuel visited Eli three times for this reason that Eli realized that the voice of Samuel was the voice of God (v. 8). This is where you can see Eli's spiritual numbness. When God called Samuel the fourth time, The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” If Eli responded slowly to God's Word and neglected God's warning, Samuel responded immediately to God's voice and walked positively. “Speak, for your servant is listening.” This is Samuel’s attitude of listening to God's voice. Samuel's willingness to listen to God shows that he is receptive to God's word. And his willingness to listen to God's word implies his practical will to obey God's word. 1 Corinthians 2:14 says: The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.

Fourth, the important thing in our relationship with God is whether we apply God's will to our lives. Eli neglected God's warning. She said that Eli could not firmly condemn the sins of her fallen sons, leaving his sons to continue to sin. Eli knew the sins of his sons, but he was not determined to block them. Eli honored two sons more than God (2:29), and this angered God. Would God tell Samuel of the judgment against Eli, not Eli himself? Eli knew of his God's warning, but he did not work it into his own life. Not because he did not know. He lacked the will.

The first vision God gave to Samuel was that he would bring judgment on Eli's house. It was a very difficult message to convey. How afraid was Samuel? Samuel lay down until morning, but he was afraid to tell Eli what he saw and heard. At Eli's request, Samuel delivered God's warning of judgment. This was an indication of the corruption of the leader and an innovative work of publicizing God's judgment against the leader. But hearing it did not change Eli's life. Eventually, the two sons died in the battle with the Philistines, and Eli too fell from his chair, broke his neck, and died tragically (4:17-18).

On the other hand, God is with those who obey and practice God's Word. So verse 19 says that the Lord was with Samuel when he was growing up. It also says that all of Samuel's words have not deviated from them and have been accomplished.

Now Eli's days are over. Even though the times became evil and even the servant of the Lord was disobedient, the lamp of God had not yet gone out (v. 3). Rather, he chose young Samuel, who served God in the temple with the lamp of God, and made him a prophet (verse 20). The first thing Samuel, who succeeded Eli as a priest, did was to bring the Israelites who was away from God to Mizpah and launch a fasting repentance movement. This was done to stand right before God, and it was now urging the general people to innovate. Samuel is the great prophet of God who restored God's relationship with the collapsed Israel.

I wonder if the spiritual dark days of Eli's were similar to today's spiritual dark days. The world dominated by the coronavirus during the year 2020 that began with the coronavirus. Meetings with people were limited, lectures were held non-face-to-face, and even worship services were provided in video.

At first, online worship wasn't like worship, it was uncomfortable, something 2% was lacking, and it was frustrating, unfortunate, and upset. However, after a month or two and lasting for a year, I am starting to get used to online worship. We have become used to online worship. As if adjusting to a new environment, even on Sundays, rather than dressing neatly and going to church, we simply turn on the computer and watch online worship services. Then we think that we have fulfilled our duty as a believer. There are also excuses to pass our responsibility. It's not because I want to do it online, but because the government told me to do it. It also rationalizes itself.

We look around our society. Society is becoming polarized and politics are confused. In words, it is difficult to find a distinct image as a Christian even if you are a Christian. The religious leaders who should lead the society are rather trapped in camp logic and are biased toward one side. Justice is difficult to find in society, and injustice and lawlessness prevail. The church is also confused. Idols of honor, power, and money have entered the church and are taking their place. Corruption in the church is not the responsibility of outsiders. It is caused by corruption of church members. The problem is that if religion falls, its society will inevitably fall. It cannot be a pitiful reality.

If this time was similar to that of Eli, where would be the responsibility? It will be with church leaders who are priests and Christians who believe in God. We have a mission as children of God. However, we need to see if we are neglecting the mission we received. we received the grace from God and became who we are today, and we have to look back to see if we are not living according to God's will. We must free ourselves from the spiritual laziness and spiritual helplessness that Eli experienced. May we open our spiritual eyes right in order to be spiritually awake in this dark world. Thus, we should be able to see the mystery contained in the Word of God. You cannot blame the times just because the times are evil. That excuse cannot rationalize our indolence. Samuel had a temple-centered faith in evil times. The way to triumph in a sinful world is to fall down in the temple of God and pray and hear God's voice. This is because the church in the body of Jesus Christ is a place to hear God's voice and receive grace.

God is calling us. Even if we do not understand the voice of God, He calls us until we realize and respond. Many people hear God's voice, but few people know and respond to God's voice. God speaks the voice to those who obey faithfully. God always speaks to people who are alert and proactive and pray. What is the great thing about Abraham? He heard God's voice and obeyed. Where is the great thing about Moses? They heard God's voice and responded. Same goes for Samuel. I hope we can respond when God calls us.

If we believe in God, we must escape from idolatry. We must confess the fault of loving our idols more and look at the will of God. If we are God's people, we must listen to God's voice. If we are God's children, we must obey God's Word. If we are God's people, we must walk with God.

How do we respond to God's voice? How can we be more sensitive to God's Word? Do we pray 'Speak for your servant is listening.’ or 'Please listen to me Lord. I am speaking.” I hope that all of us would pray like Samuel, 'Speak for your servant is listening. I hope that we become spiritually awake, sensitive to God's voice, and live by obeying God's word.

Prayer: God who calls us, we were foolish and could not listen to your voice. Please have mercy on us. Help us to be watchful, prudent and pray, and respond to your call. In that way, please let us be your people who live by fulfilling your will. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.

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