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12월 13일 주일설교-구완서 목사(God's comfort and counsel)
게시글 내용

『God's comfort and counsel』

John 1:6-8, 19-28 Pastor Wan-seo, Gu

Yonsei University Church 2020, 12, 13 11 a.m. Sunday

Nice to meet you all.

Thank you for inviting those who are lacking in the beautiful season of Christmas preparation. When I was studying music in Italy, I visited Nigara Falls at the invitation of the United States and Canada. At that time, when I looked at the waterfall from the Rainbow Bridge at Niagara Falls, a large rainbow stood beautifully with roots in the United States on one side and Canada on the other. This Rainbow Bridge is the bridge between the United States and Canada. Christmas can be said to be the ladder of salvation through which God and humans reconcile through incarnation, that is, the Rainbow Bridge, which makes peace between people. The apostle John testifies of this beautiful sight as 'He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.(1 John 2:2). In other words, the meaning of Christmas is to achieve reconciliation and peace. God's will for us is to become one through love and forgiveness.

In Genesis 9:16-17, after judging mankind with the Flood of Noah's day, God made a covenant to Noah by saying “I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.” The water that had been running for 150 days dried up and stepped on the new heavens and new earth. But all of my old friends are gone. Now, alone in the field, all Noah needed was comfort. Ham was cursed for insulting his grieving father's lower body. But God blessed Shem and Japheth, who understood and showed respect for his father's drunkenness. A similar situation happened at Calvary. Looking at Luke 23:40-43, one of the evildoers slandered Jesus and the other admitted Jesus as the master of the kingdom of God and asked for his own soul. Jesus promises salvation while praising his faith in believing in Himself as the Son of God even in the shameful situation of desperation. The filial piety of Shem and Japheth and the compassionate confession of faith by the robbers on the right is the attitude the church should have in difficult times.

The background of today's text is the historical record of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, connecting the Old and New Testament times. First, John the Baptist clarifies the Locus Persona, the seat of his personality. That is, “I am not the Christ!” Is. He says his ministry is the guide of the Messiah. God's intervention in history, which has been silent for 400 years after the prophet Malachi, begins through John the Baptist.

A similar situation is the Exodus event.

The 12 tribes through Jacob's 12 sons were slaves in Egypt for 430 years, and when the time was full, God sent Moses to lead them to Canaan. From humans, it seems that God is indifferent, but God has done something for 430 years.

1. From Jacob to the people of Israel,

2. From a nomad to an agricultural and cultural nation,

3.'The Lord said again. “I have clearly seen my people in Egypt suffer, and have heard a cry because of their oppression, and I know their sufferings clearly (Exodus 3:7). This is God's intervention in history in the Old Testament era.

Even in COVID-19, the church should see, hear, and comfort the sufferings of this age with the heart of God.

Now, after breaking the long silence for 400 years after Malachi, through the Archangel Gabriel, He gave us two good news – εὐαγγέλιον.

1. He sent John the Baptist, the last prophet, as a son to Zechariah, the last priest, to baptize the Son of God, the completion of the law and the prophet, and open the door to public ministry. In John 1:29, 'The next day, John saw Jesus coming to him and said. "Look, Behold the Lamb of God," cried John the Baptist.

2. He gave Jesus Christ by notifying Joseph and Mary of the conception. The lineage of Joseph is “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 1:20).” These words reveal that Jesus is the Messiah promised in the Old Testament. Through the mystery of the birth of Mary's virgin, He revealed the secret of the incarnation of human salvation.

Jesus replied, “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” (Matthew 3:15).'

Jerusalem, all Judea, and the Jordan River all came to John the Baptist and confessed their sins and were baptized. “He is the one who comes after me, but [I] does not deserve to untie His shoelaces (John 1:27).” This is the prelude to the Messiah of John the Baptist, telling us to serve your neighbor with humility and love. It is a stewardship call.

Jesus' evaluation of John the Baptist is as follows.

In Matthew 11:11, “Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.”

First of all, the one born by a woman is a descendant of Adam and belongs to the flesh. And God's children are people who belong to the spirit by the grace of Jesus.

In other words, the most important part of Locus Persona is where you belong. It means whether it belongs to the earth or the sky.

John the Baptist, as the last man of the law and the prophet, was the first to baptize Jesus the Son of God and introduce Jesus Christ to this earth. In the history of mankind that began after the creation of the world, the incarnation of Jesus was a remarkable intervention by God, and John the Baptist, who proclaimed the opening, was indeed the largest of those born by a woman. Nevertheless, in John 1:8, “He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.” This testimony shows the identity of John the Baptist.

Looking at the history of the church, the church has served as a lamp of the times in all times. In addition, theology has also led the spirit of the times by helping the church and society at that time.

First, the theology of the early church completes the confession of faith by systematically organizing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Christ of mankind's salvation following John the Baptist. At the same time, the early church systematized worship and mission centering on the Pentecost of the Holy Spirit, opening the door of mission to Jerusalem, Judea and the whole world.

On the other hand, the Reformed Church opened a Renaissance of Christian faith and theology. The contribution of the Reformation is to put everything back into place. that is :

1. God is the Creator God, and the Pope is a creature and a sinner.

2. The Bible is the word of God.

3. It has been summarized that salvation is possible only by the grace of the cross.

The church and theology have now restored their place.

Missionary H. G. Underwood, who arrived at Jemulpo Port in 1885, the time of Korean enlightenment, prays for the dire situation in Korea. “Oh, Lord! I don't see anything now. Lord! He brought us and seated us on a dry and poor land, where a tree is not growing coolly. It is a miracle how I crossed the wide Pacific Ocean. I can't see anything here. But Lord, I will obey. Now, there are no chapels for worship, no schools, and just a place full of vigilance, doubt, contempt, and grandeur, but I believe this place will soon become a land of grace. Lord! Only hold my faith!” He prayed.

Now, Korea

1. A desolate land where nothing was seen became the land of Canaan.

2. The people who were despised became a powerhouse that boasts the best civilization of mankind.

3. The Korean people of poverty and ignorance play an active part as the leader of mankind.

Truly, the holy dedication of the missionaries sent to Korea shines.

The prophet Isaiah said, "He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, (Isaiah 61:2)." After all, the word of God needed in this age is comfort. And our mindset says, “Lord, I don't see anything right now. But Lord! Only hold onto my faith!” This is Missionary Underwood's prayer.

Eun-Bong Park In-deok, who founded Indeok University, where I am serving, wondered if he was ready to build the university, but came to the point of giving up his business due to the betrayal of people he believed. When considering extreme choices in a crisis phase, God's consolation and conviction resumed and started again with the belief that “Man's Extremity is God's Opportunity.” With that, he was able to successfully complete Indeok University. After receiving God's comfort, he showed God's glory by overcoming suffering with praise instead of resentment. God's comfort really works great. There is no end to stories like this.

In the winter of 1741, on a corner of a dark London street, a sloppy waist, a limping tired leg, a pale face without blood, the scene of Handel's evening promenade. As a musician who has overwhelmed the world for the past 40 years, the mythical composers of the British royal family and around Europe have become half-hearted with cerebral hemorrhages and strokes. He listens to the advice of a doctor and experiences a miracle-like restoration of the body, spending more than 9 hours instead of 3 hours in a hot spring. His whole body became fine. The fingers that were hard to even draw the sheet music are overflowing with energy, and the vitality of the whole body is burning. At that time, while reading a 'Letter from Charles Jennens', there was a part that moved his heart so powerfully. Handel started to write the score, which began on the spot, continued for 24 days to complete the masterpiece. This is Handel's Messiah. It speaks of how great the help of the Holy Spirit can be.

Dear fellow believers, celebrating Christmas 2020!

The message that heated Handel's heart, "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;(Isaiah 53:5)." Now I don't see anything with the COVID-19 pandemic, but as Underwood prayed, “Lord! Only hold my faith!” Please step forward step by step with a humble mind.

“Comfort all those who mourn” is a Christmas gift from God's comfort and counsel to us. And proclaiming the comfort and counsel we received to the whole world is God's mandate to us, and it is our mission for this age. The birth of Jesus Christ is a ladder to heaven, and the cross of Jesus Christ is the bridge between you and me. When the ladder and the bridge come together, it becomes a cross.


Ahead of Christmas in 2020, I hope that the will of the Lord will be fulfilled with Mary's heart, “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her. (Luke 1:38).” Help us to prepare the way for the Lord with the heart of John the Baptist, saying, “He must become greater; I must become less. (John 3:30).” Despair is hope and pride is humility! “The righteous will live by faith. (Romans 1:17).” Let me walk with the Lord as you say.

I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
