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[Fall 2023] Advanced TOPIK Preparation Program for Full-degree Undergraduate International Students
Yonsei GOSC
게시글 내용

*Note: An email related to Advanced TOPIK Preparation Program for  Full-degree Undergraduate International Students  was sent to all currently enrolled full-degree undergraduate international students on October 11th, 2023.

If you did not receive the email, please ensure that your email address is up to date in the Yonsei Portal system.

Below is the email -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Greetings from Yonsei Global One-Stop Service Center(GOSC)!

As TOPIK score is getting more and more important to apply jobs and graduation etc for international students,

GOSC is planning an Advanced TOPIK Preparation Program for full-degree undergraduate international students for those who are aiming level 3-4 or level 5-6 after the midterms :)

1:1 Online Writing Feedback Class will be provided for those who succeed to register. 

1. Date & Time

  a. TOPIK 5-6 level aim: Tues, Oct 31, 2023 18:00-21:30 (Limited seats 15!)

  b. TOPIK 3-4 level aim: Wed, Nov 1, 2023 18:00-21:30 (Limited seats 25!)

2. Lecture methods: Offline (대면강의)

3. Location: The Commons, IBK 기업은행 Hall (Sinchon Campus) near Global Lounge

4. Content: Please refer to the poster below

5. Registration link: https://forms.gle/HP5FB4VoJrJ5iXQT7 

Registration period: by Oct 20th (Fri) 23:59 (KST) Registration Period is extended!

국제처 글로벌원스톱서비스센터에서는 외국인 학부 유학생들의 취업 및 졸업요건 중 토픽점수의 중요성이 강조됨에 따라,

중간고사 이후 토픽 3-4급, 5-6급 대비로 2023-2학기 외국인 학부 유학생들을 위한 TOPIK 역량 강화 심화 프로그램을 준비하고 있습니다. 

본 프로그램 참여자에게는 토픽쓰기 1:1 온라인 첨삭도 예정되어 있으니 유학생 여러분들의 많은 관심 바랍니다.

1. 일시

  1) TOPIK 5-6급 목표반:2023.10.31. (화) 18:00-21:30  (선착순 15명!)

  2) TOPIK 3-4급 목표반: 2023.11.1. (수) 18:00-21:30  (선착순 25명!)

2. 강의방식: 대면강의(오프라인)

3. 강의장소: 백양누리 IBK 기업은행 (신촌캠퍼스)

4. 강의내용: 포스터 참조 

5. 등록링크: https://forms.gle/HP5FB4VoJrJ5iXQT7

등록기간 10/20(금) 23:59 접수기간 연장!

TOPIK Advanced Prep-Program.png