The primary objectives of our institute are to “(a) scientifically analyze different languages including Korean, (b) digitize the language data, and (c) develop various tools for analyzing linguistic information. Our attempts to achieve these goals are summarized as the following activities.
1. Studies on lexicography including compiling an unabridged Korean dictionary.
2. Developing digital information processing skills related to informatization of languages.
3. Collecting, organizing and publishing documents related to linguistic information.
4. Communicating with local and international researchers through conferences and institutional networks.
5. Educating and training researchers.
6. Conducting research and business related to ‘Teaching Korean as a Foreign language’ and ‘Intracultural communication’ for increasing the value of Korean in the world.
7. Conducting research and business about sociolinguistic aspects of Korean such as Pragmatics, Discourse Studies, Rhetoric, Narrative Studies.
8. Conducting research and business related to various documents, literature and other written materials related to the Classical Humanities.
9. Other activities pertaining to the objectives of the institute.