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Development of human expiratory gas biomarker detection and artificial intelligence discrimination of mixed state
게시글 내용

Development of human expiratory gas biomarker detection and artificial intelligence discrimination of mixed state

Department of Mechanical Engineering Professor Seong Chan Jun's research team and Professor Jongeun Choi's research team collaborated to conduct a study on the topic of 'Sensing the mixed state of disease biomarker gases that can be emitted through human exhaled gases and identifying artificial intelligence'. The joint research team developed an ssDNA-functionalized graphene-based sensor array that can detect mixed gases by direct adsorption method, and developed two artificial intelligence models that can discriminate the mixed state, and verified the discrimination performance. The results of this research were published as a thesis and published in the international journal 'Microsystems&Nanoengineering' (Impact Factor: 8.006).

The link: doi.org/10.1038/s41378-023-00499-y

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