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[BK Seminar] 27th Aug(Fri) Dr. Dasom Yang "High Dynamic Range 3D Sweat Microfluidic Systems"
게시글 내용

Please give a lot of attention and participation from the members of the Mechanical Engineering department.

▣ Title: High Dynamic Range 3D Sweat Microfluidic Systems.

Affiliation: Northwestern University

▣ Date: 2021. 8. 27.(Fri) 16:30

▣ Venue: Online(Zoom)

▣ Host: Prof. WonHyoung Ryu

▣ Abstract

Sweat is an attractive biological fluid source that contains abundant biomarkers such as sodium, chloride, lactate, creatinine, and glucose. These biomarkers could be non-invasively collected and directly monitored with the microfluidic systems based on the lab-on-a-chip technologies and colorimetric assay. The color-responsive chemistries are powerful because of their ability to provide a visual, real-time readout of a range of key information related to sweat. Current colorimetric assays rely on the correlation between biomarker concentration and the color level, which could not be directly compared to the absorbance from gold standard methods such as UV-spectroscopy or a plate-reader. In this work, we report a new reflection-based colorimetric method that could directly convert the color level into absorbance values. The method uses color intensity from the multi-level microfluidic reservoirs and converted them into absorbance values based on the simple beer's law. This approach can measure the creatinine and chloride concentration across the physiologically relevant range, with good agreement with the values from platereader.

Zoom: https://yonsei.zoom.us/j/85433100404?pwd=WXZIWVA0UUZ4cTl0MWhoSkR3clBKZz09

회의 ID: 854 3310 0404
암호: 384215

20210827_BK21_양다솜(류원형 교수님).png