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[BK21 Seminar] 9th Apr(Fri) Prof. Seung woo Lee(Georgia Tech) "Designing Nanostructured Electrodes for High-Performance
게시글 내용

Please give a lot of attention and participation from the members of the mechanical engineering department. 

▣ Title: Designing Nanostructured Electrodes for High-Performance Energy Storage and Conversion Devices

Speaker: Seung woo, Lee(Professor)

Affiliation: Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Tech

▣ Date: 2021. 4. 9.(Fri) 10:00

▣ Venue: Online(Zoom)

▣ Host: Prof. Jongsup Hong

▣ Abstract

Electrochemical energy storage and conversion systems are the key enabling technologies to support fast-growing consumer electronics and electric vehicles. Cost-effective and high-performance electrochemical energy storage device can increase the fuel efficiency of new transportation technologies, including start-stop vehicles, (plug-in) hybrid electric vehicles, all-electric vehicles, and heavy machinery, which can significantly reduce energy imports and greenhouse gases. Moreover, reliable large-scale energy storage and conversion technologies are particularly attractive for renewable energy storage owing to their high efficiency, short charge/discharge time, and long cycle life. Aiming towards such advanced technologies, Dr. Lee’s research pays particular attention to harnessing electrochemical reactions of electrode materials and their scalable synthetic routes. The following strategy has been applied in Dr. Lee’s research: 1) understanding the bulk and surface, atomic and electronic structures of electrode materials, 2) correlating these electrodes’ structures with electrochemical properties, and 3) designing novel electrode materials using various nano-processing techniques. In this seminar, we will discuss 1) how redox-active carbon materials can enhance the energy and power densities for rechargeable batteries, 2) how to assemble 3D nanostructured electrodes using self-assembly process for high-performance energy storage and conversion devices, and 3) how surface atomic structures of electrocatalysts affect the catalytic activity for small organic molecules in water-electrolyzers. 

Zoom : https://yonsei.zoom.us/j/84335424773?pwd=aE5PZ0I2RUpENjlCdFgwU1ZKa0s2dz09

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