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[Graduate seminar-BK21 seminar] 30th Apr(Fri) Prof. Yixiang Shi(Tshinghua Univ.) "Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell Power"
게시글 내용

기계공학부 구성원들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.

※ The lecture video will be posted for one week from the video posting date. (5/3~5/10 16:00)

[End of posting]

▣ Title: Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell Power Generation

Speaker: Yixiang Shi (Professor)

Affiliation: Dept. of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua University

▣ Date: 2021. 4. 30.(Fri) 13:00

▣ Venue: Online(Zoom)

▣ Host: Prof. Jongsup Hong

▣ Abstract

Hydrogen energy development continues to be an important research, development, and demonstration pathway for major economies around the world. In this course, we will firstly give a general picture of world hydrogen energy development. Then, we will mainly focus on fuel cell power generation technologies from principles, different types of fuel cells to system integration and demonstration.

Zoom link: https://yonsei.zoom.us/j/84433723907?pwd=T09VV1IzSjZTQzN1RUplTGlpWnhCQT09

20210423_대학원-BK21_Yixiang Shi(홍종섭교수님).png