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[Graduate Seminar] 5th Nov(Fri) Prof. Wonsuk Ohm (Yonsei University) "Introduction to Oil and Gas Industry and Ca
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기계 공학부 구성원들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁 드립니다.

▣ Title: Introduction to Oil and Gas Industry and Career Path

▣ Affiliation: Yonsei University

 Speaker: Prof. Won Suk Ohm

Date: 2021. 11. 5.(Fri) 13:00

Venue: Online(Zoom)

▣ Abstract

Millennials and Gen Zers. Stop for a minute and think about your carefree daily routine. You wake up in the morning, flip the switch, and the light is on. You turn the faucet and the tap water is running hot, allowing you to indulge in a Hollywood shower. On your way to school via the public transportation system that's an envy of the world, you are watching your favorite videos on YouTube, sipping a cup of ice-cold java. Chances are, your only existential angst derives from your thesis or significant other, if not from your career aspiration. And this is the picture of normalcy that you are accustomed to from day one. Unfortunately, I am here to tell you that it is going to all end sooner in your lifetime. We have been living under a world order known as the Bretton Woods system, which started as a uniquely American creation to deter the Soviet communism during the Cold War. With the collapse of the Soviet Union three decades ago, Americans are increasingly getting tired and ready to go home for good. This American abdication of responsibility as the global policeman will have a tsunami of effects to be felt around the nation states, ranging from mildly unpleasant to catastrophic. In this talk, we will discuss how to circumnavigate the world without order and emerge as survivors. Well, you may say that I am just another cranky old man ranting and raving about the impending doom and gloom. Maybe so. But you can't say that you have never been warned.

Zoom: https://yonsei.zoom.us/j/87350380221?pwd=R3NzRkM2VG1qR2NkU3NQUENSUDJWUT09

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