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[BK21 seminar] 21th July(Fri) Gayoung Suh(California State University) "Standard for Vascular Implants Design & Research
게시글 내용

Please give a lot of attention and participation from the members of the Mechanical Engineering department.

▣ Title: Standard for Vascular Implants Design & Research Possibilities

▣ Speaker: 서가영 교수

▣ Affiliation: California State University

Date: 2023. 7. 21.(Fri) 11:30

Venue: 제4공학관 D601호

Host: 강건욱 교수

▣ Abstract

Vascular implants are defined as medical devices with intended use to treat human vascular diseases and permanent insertion inside the human body. Due to the level of risks and possibility of complications, most vascular implants need to undergo extensive in-vitro and in-vivo testing and design assessment using ISO standards as a reference. Observation from the testing is utilized for regulatory process and FDA documentation in US market. Unmet needs and technical challenges arising from vascular implants design and testing lead to multiple research possibilities in the two categories: (1) Digital approach to extract the key features from patient-specific geometries acquired from medical imaging, and (2) Additive manufacturing and in vitro platform to replicate patient-specific conditions.

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