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[BK21 seminar] 17th Oct(Tue) Dasom Yang(Northwestern University) "Epidermal microfluidics systems as a diagnosing platfo
게시글 내용

Please give a lot of attention and participation from the members of the Mechanical Engineering department.

▣ TitleEpidermal microfluidics systems as a diagnosing platform

▣ Speaker: 양다솜 박사

▣ Affiliation: Northwestern University

Date: 2023. 10. 17.(Tue) 17:00

Venue제4공학관 D602호

Host: 류원형 교수

▣ Abstract

Biofluids such as blood, tears, interstitial fluid, and eccrine sweat are rich sources of biomarkers including nutrients, metabolites, and nucleic acids. Blood-based analysis is the standard approach to monitoring physiological health, however, it requires an invasive sampling process and laboratory equipment analysis. Sweat is an attractive alternative not only for noninvasive sampling and analysis, but also for rich biomarker compositions such as chloride, creatinine, glucose, and xanthine. A soft, microfluidic analysis system could gently adhere to the skin for in situ capture, storage, and biochemical evaluation of pristine, microliters of sweat. These microfluidic systems enable a broad spectrum of possibilities for using sweat to i) assess health status and chemical balance, ii) screen for disease conditions, iii) monitor loss of essential species, and iv) detect trace toxins or exogenous agents, all in real-time, in a simple, cost-effective manner. This talk focuses on wearable sweat sensors as the diagnosing platform, especially cystic fibrosis (CF) screening platforms for infants. Since the clinical sweat test is the gold standard testing method for CF diagnosis, wearable sweat sensors incorporated with a sweat stimulation platform could be an attractive alternative to cumbersome standard sweat tests.

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