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[BK21 seminar] 18th Oct(Wed) Daekeun Kim(Dankook University) "Optical Biopsy and Virtual Staining for Histopathology"
게시글 내용

Please give a lot of attention and participation from the members of the Mechanical Engineering department.

▣ TitleOptical Biopsy and Virtual Staining for Histopathology

▣ Speaker: 김대근 교수

▣ Affiliation: 단국대학교 기계공학과

Date: 2023. 10. 18.(Wed) 17:00

Venue제4공학관 D408호

Host: 주철민 교수

▣ Abstract

Histopathology is a branch of pathology that focuses on the examination of tissues and cells at a microscopic level to identify diseased or abnormal tissue. It plays a critical role in the field of medicine, especially disease diagnosis but requires histological staining, which is made through invasive biopsy and time-consuming sample preparation. In this talk, two different approaches are suggested to resolve these limitations: one is label-free non-invasive optical biopsy, and the other is fast 3D virtual staining. First, an optical biopsy probe with articulated arm-based multifocal multiphoton microscopy technology is designed and realized. label-free histological sample images are acquired with it, and it is demonstrated they can be used in diagnosing skin diseases in the view of histopathology. Second, light sheet microscopy technology for imaging 3D tissue sample stained with fluorescence contrast agent instead of traditional dye are devised, and both the shadow artifact removal technology and the optical clearing technique are applied to improve image contrast. It is shown that the depth-resolved images obtained with light sheet microscopy can be converted into a virtually H&E-stained 3D image stack. To put it differently, these approaches are expected to have the potential to be utilized in histology as a novel method to support medical diagnosis.

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