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[학술행사] Climate Change 2022 | Delivering a Climate Resilient Future; Tuesday 4 Oct 2022; London
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Climate change 2022

What are the pathways to a climate-resilient future? Connect with senior business leaders, sustainability professionals and the investment community ahead of COP27.


4 OCTOBER 2022 TO 5 OCTOBER 2022 — 9:00AM TO 4:00PM—LONDON, UK


Delivering a climate resilient future

Coordinated action on climate change is more important than ever. The world is on course to warm well beyond 1.5°C and climate hazards are increasing our exposure to climate risk. At the same time, the ripple effects of the conflict in Ukraine will have wide ranging economic, social and geopolitical consequences for years to come. Governments, companies and societies around the world now face a critical moment to pave the way forward for a climate-resilient world that delivers for all.

Taking place one month ahead of COP27, this annual conference returns this year as an in-person event that will be simultaneously broadcast on our LIVE virtual event platform.

Why attend?

Gain insight into the state of play ahead of COP27 and opportunities to accelerate sustainability progress.

Participate in-person in high-level discussions, spotlight sessions and networking opportunities focusing on delivering climate commitments and the loss and damage agenda.

Understand the rising expectations for investors and companies as climate-related financial reporting becomes mainstream.

Explore the future of international climate action and the potential for nature-based solutions.


Tuesday 4 October (timings subject to change)

International climate action in a changed world

How do we ensure climate action and diplomacy remain on track considering the war on Ukraine? How can we tackle mounting global crises? What does a climate champion look like in the current context? What more can governments and businesses do to facilitate progress on delivering climate pledges and how can we accelerate action moving forward?


Networking break


Mitigation and the shifting dynamics of the energy transition

What can we learn from past implementation challenges? How do we strengthen the delivery of future climate pledges? How has the energy crisis influenced the alignment of energy security, affordability and decarbonization targets? Which demand-side measures will deliver fossil-fuel reliance reduction and how should stakeholders collaborate?




Unlocking the potential of nature-positive approaches

What is the role of nature in addressing climate change risks and the opportunities? What will the outcomes of a global framework for biodiversity mean for businesses and investors at COP15 and how do we build the business case for nature-based solutions? How effective have initiatives such as the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures been? How do we tackle shortcomings in harvesting and integrating location specific data?  


Networking break


Spotlight session: Climate resilient cities

In discussion with an in-person audience, experts take a deep dive into key themes from the IPCC synthesis report. This dynamic session is held under the Chatham House Rule and is exclusive to in-person participants only.


Networking reception


End of day one


Wednesday 5 October (timings subject to change)

Finance fit for the future

How can investment be unlocked to mobilize capital for developing countries? What is the role of blended finance and global carbon markets? What constitutes a robust and net-zero transition plan for corporates and financial institutions? Is the large-scale commitment of capital and transformation of the financial system attainable at the required pace?


Adaptation and Loss and Damage

What are the priority areas for strengthening adaptation and loss and damage across different regions and how can funding be scaled up? How should the most climate vulnerable nations be supported? How can ambition and action be accelerated at COP27 and COP28? 


Networking break


Cascading climate risks

What strategies can case studies from around the world teach us to manage cascading climate risks? Which innovative solutions to climate risks are most promising? How are businesses building resilience around the world?


End of day two
