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[학술행사] 서울대학교 아시아연구소_라틴아메리카 내 인종, 젠더, 계급: 대중문화텍스트로서의 한류 수용 및 해석
게시글 내용

민원정/아시아연구소 선임연구원/서울대학교

In Chile, Asians are often referred to as chinos (Chinese), and Latin American society tends to view fans of Asian popular culture as outsiders: those who like chinos are considered akin to chinos. These elements of Eurocentrism and chino-ism in Latin America relate to the cultural identity that formed in the region after it gained independence from Spain, as well as to the legacy of Latin America’s socioeconomic status. While living in an imagined Eurocentric society, fans construct their own “Asia” through popular culture images shown in the media. With its diffusion through digital media, a fandom has been established for K-pop, involving specific reception, consumption, and identity dynamics. The worldwide popularity of the Korean Wave has also reached Latin America. Did K-pop really boom in Latin America, as reported in the media? If so, how popular could it become? Can Latin America’s interest in the people and culture of Korea be expanded through K-pop? This lecture attempts to examine the reception, consumption, and mimesis of the Korean Wave in Latin America, with a particular focus on gender, class, and race.