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[모집] Public Diplomacy Section | U.S. Embassy Seoul _We Need your Help!
게시글 내용

Dear Esteemed Colleagues,

We need your help. The U.S. Embassy is delighted to announce that will be hiring for the next couple of months, and we would appreciate your help to identify the best candidates to work with us to strengthen and deepen the ROK-U.S. alliance.

Currently, we are looking for a Press and Media Coordinator (Print and Online), who will:

  • Identify and advise mission leadership on strategies for promoting accurate, balanced press and media coverage of the United States in South Korea;
  • Correct and counter disinformation; and
  • Build productive relationships with press professionals in person and online.

If you know any individuals you think might be a good match for our current vacancy/vacancies, we would be grateful if you could take the time to share this announcement with them.

Interested candidates for a vacancy MUST submit applications through our ERA site linked to our Embassy recruitment website: https://bit.ly/3Jh3Z4O. Feel free to contact our HR team (SeoulRecruiter@State.gov) or refer to US Embassy’s job posting policy if you have any questions about this position or the process.

The U.S. Embassy is dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion. We recently redoubled our efforts to ensure that the staff of our Embassy reflects all of Korean and American society. Our promise to all potential future employees is that as a member of our team, they will be treated equally when it comes to hiring, promotion, pay and benefits, and opportunities to continue to learn and grow. 

Embassy encourages individual growth, values and respects unique perspectives, enhances professional development, and seeks to inspire all employees.

같이 갑시다

U.S. Embassy Seoul, Public Diplomacy section
