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[채용] 연세대학교 2022학년도 전임교원 초빙 (국제학대학원)
게시글 내용

Graduate School of International Studies

2022 Full-time Faculty Openings

 1. Academic Positions

SchoolProgramField of ResearchOpeningsRemark / Additional Qualification
Graduate School of International Studies
Program in International CooperationInternational Studies (International Security, International Organization, EU Studies1
(Tenure Track)
(1) Foreign National Only
(2) Concurrent position with UNDERWOOD INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE

2. Qualifications

  1. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree or be expected to obtain their Ph.D. degree before the date of appointment. In the case of failing to obtain the Ph.D. degree before the date of appointment, the hiring offer will be revoked.
  2. Applicants must fulfill the qualifications set forth by Korea's Ministry of Education to work at a Korean private university.
  3. Applicants must respect the general Christian education principles espoused by Yonsei University.
  4. All credit hours must be taught in English.

3. Document Submission

A. Required Documents for Preliminary Review [Online Submission]

  1. Online Application (including List of Research Achievements & Curriculum Vitae.)
  2. Degree Certificates and Transcripts (Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D.)
  3. Ph.D. Dissertation
  4. Main Research Achievement Materials along with a Research Summary for each Main Achievement since March 1, 2017 (up to five)
  • Each research summary should be within a page length.
  • Research materials that cannot be uploaded should be submitted via mail to the mailing address below.
  • If you have any difficulties uploading the application documents, including your research materials, you may submit documents by email or post after discussing the details with the GSIS Administration Office.
  • Accepted manuscripts can be listed with acceptance letters from Editors-in-Chief or publishers.

 B. Required Documents for Final Review (for shortlisted candidates)

  1. Original Degree Certificates and Transcripts (Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D.)
  2. Originals or print copies of all research materials since March 1, 2017
  3. Letters of recommendation from professors or professionals in the same program or field
  • The applicant must provide contact information for their recommenders as part of the online application (Maximum 2)
  • The GSIS Administration Office will send recommendation requests to the recommenders’ email provided by applicants.
  • An image file (.pdf, .jpg, etc.) of the recommender’s stamp or signature should be included in the response email for your recommendation. A signature included in an editable file format (.hwp, .doc, etc.) is not accepted.
  • The applicant's full name and the name of the school/program the applicant is applying for must be specified in the letter.

4. Online Application Submission Period 

June 4, 2021 - July 7, 2021 (3:00 p.m. KST)

  • All the materials must be uploaded online. Research materials that cannot be uploaded should be submitted via mail to the mailing address below within the online application submission period.
  • Mail post must arrive at the office by 5:00 p.m. on July 7, 2021.
  • The office will be open during regular business hours.

 5. Submission Deadline for Final Review and Mailing Address

  • The GSIS Administration Office will notify shortlisted candidates of the submission deadline via email by the end of August.
  • Please refer to the following address: GSIS Administration Office
    Room 510, New Millennium Hall, Yonsei University
    50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03722, Republic of Korea
    T: +82-2-2123-3294 (austin@yonsei.ac.kr)

 6. Notification of Results

  1. Preliminary review results will be notified by the end of August via email.
  2. Shortlisted candidates must submit required documents within the designated period informed by the GSIS Administration Office. Shortlisted candidates will also be invited for a presentation and interview.
  3. Final offers will be issued by the Office of Academic Affairs via email by the end of November 2021.

7. Things to Check before Applying

  • Please check the EVALUATION POLICY and NOTES in the Yonsei faculty recruitment website for department contact numbers and significant notes before applying.

*  The GSIS Administration Office 

   +82-2-2123-3294 / E-mail: austin@yonsei.ac.kr

* Website of the GSIS 
