모바일 메뉴 닫기

About Us


1950 ~ 1999년
2018 03

Changed the department name as Civil and Environmental Engineering in School of Social and Environmental Systems Engineering

2010 05

50th anniversary of the Department

2002 03

Department of Civil Engineering founded

2000 03

"Civil Engineering-40 year" is published

1998 10

School of Civil, Urban and architectural Engineering founded

1995 11

Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Urban planning and Engineering

1995 11

Departments of Civil and Urban Engineering were reorganized in the School of Social and Environmental Systems Engineering

1985 03

"Civil Engineering-25 year" is published

1977 03

College of Engineering organized from College of Science and Engineering.

1971 03

Ph. D. program opened

1962 12

Department of Civil Engineering formed from Department of Construction Engineering

1962 01

M.S. program opened

1960 03

First admission in 3 majors of Civil, Architectural, and Mechanical Engineering

1958 12

Department of Construction Engineering founded