모바일 메뉴 닫기



The research area focuses on the serviceability and safety of infrastructure under multi-hazard and disaster scenario. Structural and material experiments, numerical analysis, geospatial information, and data science are utilized to minimize infrastructure damage and social and economic losses from multi-hazard and disaster associated with earthquakes, floods, droughts, typhoons, fires, and explosions, and others. 

Yeonjoo Kim view off

Jang Jay Ho Kim view off

Hongjo Kim view off

Kyoungsoo Park view off

Hong-Gyoo Sohn view off

Sang-Ho Leeview off

Junhwan Lee view off

Sang-Yeop Chung view off

Sung-Uk Choi view off

Tong-Seok Han view off

Jun-Haeng Heo view off