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[졸업] Notice for Graduation Ceremony (2020.8)
게시글 내용

Congratulations upon your academic achievements and honorable graduation from Yonsei University Graduate School.

The commencement ceremony in February and August 2020 was planned to be integrated in August. However, to prevent the spread of the Novel Coronavirus, the ceremony will be filmed beforehand and the video will be posted on the Yonsei website and official YouTube channel on August 28 (Friday).

Lending gowns and degree caps and a distribution of graduation certificates will be carried out as scheduled.

For the prevention of further spread of the Novel Coronavirus, we ask for your understanding and cooperation.

Please read the following instruction for more information regarding the commencement ceremony.

1. Verification for the prospective graduates who are scheduled to acquire a degree

: available from August 12th(Wed) to August 14th(Fri) on Yonsei Graduate School website. (graduate.yonsei.ac.kr)

2. Guidelines

A. Gown Pick Up and Return (Master's Student only)

- Gown laundry and keeping fee payment: Wednesday, 19 August - Friday, 28 August 2020 (09:30-16:30, However, 8/28(Fri) is due by 14:00)

- Gown Pick Up: Wednesday, 19 August - Friday, 28 August 2020 (09:30-16:30, However, 8/28(Fri) is due by 14:00)

- Location: Graduate School Conference Room

(Stimson Hall, 2nd floor, located on the left side of the Underwood Hall)

* Please submit your ID card and receipt of laundry and keeping fee payment to receive your gown.

- How to pay: http://portal.yonsei.ac.kr -> login -> Academic information -> Academic information management -> Academic records -> 학위가운대여 Borrowing Gown (laundry-keeping fee payment) -> check the individual virtual account number -> Make a payment

(Borrowing gown is available if you submit your ID card and receipt of laundry and keeping fee payment, 7,000KRW for master’s students. Credit Card is not available.)

- Gowns must be returned by 28 August 2020 16:30.  (If you do not return your gown, certificate issuance service will no longer be available)

* Doctoral S tudents must prepare gown, hood, and caps on their own.

(For doctoral gown rentals and custom-made doctoral gowns, you can contact Sung-Eui Sa at http://www.gown21.com, Tel: 02-754-7650, or ChunchooSa at http://chunchoo.co.kr, Tel 02-312-6661)

B. Diploma Distribution

Diplomas for Master's and Doctoral students will be distributed on 28(Fri) August 2020, where the gowns distributed (Graduate School Conference Room, Stimson Hall 2nd floor) upon returning your gown (Students must bring their ID card. If a third party is returning it and picking up the diploma, he/she must have the graduate student's ID card and their identification card).

C. Others

- If you have any library books that need to be returned, please make sure to have everything paid and returned by 13(Thu) August 2020.

- If you return any books after the due date, you must submit a ‘도서반납증’ (Confirmation of book return) when you come to get your gown.

 Important Notice

1) Only one person is allowed to visit Graduate School office for gown pick up, return, and diploma pick up.

2) Please wear a personal mask when visiting Graduate School office.

3) Students who have symptoms of the Novel Coronavirus will not be allowed to enter Graduate School office.

4) Please make sure to follow the gown pick up and returning schedule.

August, 2020


연 세 대 학 교 대 학 원

Yonsei University Graduate School

2020년 2월, 8월 학위수여식 안내(영문).docx