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[졸업] 2019 Doctoral Degree Recipients Survey from KRIVET
게시글 내용

2019 Doctoral Degree Recipients Survey from KRIVET

A. To whom it applies

(prospective) doctoral degree recipients from the universities in Korea(including specialized graduate school) in February 2019.

B. Survey Method: Questionnaires(Both Online and Offline available)

※ Choose one of them(Online or Offline)

(Offline survey) Download the questionnaires from the attachment(붙임3). Fill out the form and submit it to the major department office.

(Online survey) Enter the URL(http:/www.narastat.kr/emdh). Complete the questionnaires and print out the letter named ’설문 완료증‘. Then submit the letter to the major department office.

C. Contents of Question: General questions about doctoral degree program, Plans for after graduation and employment status, Post doctoral degree and a part-time lecturer, respondents’ background

D. Deadline for submission: February. 11th. 2019

E. Contact person: HyeJeong Kim, 044-415-5161 (KRIVET, Korea Research Institute of Vocational Education and Training)

붙임1. 2019년도 상반기(2월) 박사통계조사 시행계획.hwp 붙임3-1. 2019.2 박사조사 설문지[영문]_배포용.docx 붙임4. 온라인 조사 참여자 매뉴얼(2019년 2월 졸업자용).hwp