- 제목
- [Academics] Guideline for Submission of Thesis to Yonsei Library (for Aug. 2024 Graduates)
- 작성일
- 2024.06.19
- 작성자
- 국제학대학원
- 게시글 내용
We sincerely congratulate all of you who accomplished the final result of study in Yonsei University.
Please submit your thesis to the Library as below:1. Online Submission
i. When: Jul 2 Tue, 2024, 09:00 ~ Jul 9 Tue, 2024 17:00 (24 hours available during the period)
ii. How: Go to the dCollection(Thesis registration system) (http://dcollection.yonsei.ac.kr) -> Login -> Submit Dissertation* Log in with your Yousei portal account information
iii. Please read the attached "Dissertation and Thesis Submission Guidelines & FAQ" first.
iv. File format: PDF only (doc or hwp format not allowed)
v. Guidelines for entering thesis information on the dCollection
- Title: Enter the title of the thesis on the title page. (Copy & paste thesis title from the PDF and check for spacing errors on the title)
- Traslated title: Enter the title translated in other languages. (Copy & paste thesis title from the PDF and check for spacing errors on the title)
Enter the main title again if you do not have any translated title.
- Author name: Enter the same name on the title page as it is written.vi. How to revise Yonsei Portal’s Thesis Title : COPY the Library Metadata’s title and REPLACE Yonsei Portal’s title
- Entering the exact thesis title correctly on both dCollection and Yonsei Portal will result in a “match” (including number of spaces, letter case, special characters etc.)
- Double spaces between words is the most common mistake for mismatches.
- Entering a translated title only in either the metadata or Yonsei Portal will result in a "mismatch".
- Enter the same translated title on the Yonsei Portal as the title on the dCollection.
vii. The approval page in the PDF must include all the names of committee members.
Signatures(stamps) are optional in the PDF and a scanned page of the original signature page is accepted.
viii. Acknowledgements/Dedication page is optional and not paginated.
ix. Proceed with printing bound copies after receiving approval from the Thesis Office.
Printing bound copies before online approval may result in reprinting if formatting errors are found during the review process.
x. Online Submission Review Hours: 09:00 ~ 17:00 on weekdays
- Submissions made after 17:00 will be reviewed after 9:00 the next day
- Review is done manually by the library staff and normally takes up to 1 day for approval
- Please check your thesis submisstion status on the ‘dCollection's Submission List’ page.Thesis status Approval status Explanation Not completed
Not yet submitted
Your submission is temporarily saved and not yet submitted.
Review all the information you entered and click “Complete submit” at the bottom of the page.
Note that submission will not be done until you click the “Complete submit” button.Accept complete
The submission process is complete.
Please wait for verification by the administrator.Return
Your submission has been returned.
Please check the ‘My Notice’ for the reason for the return.
Click on the title of the paper to complete the resubmission process.Re-submit
Resubmission process has been completed after the return.
Please wait for verification by the administrator.Submit complete Approved Your submission has been approved after the verification.
Bind your thesis to the the approved PDF version.
Print the License Agreement Form and Submission Confirmation Form and submit with the hardbound copies.In service Completed Your thesis is successfully submitted. 2. Hardbound Thesis Submission (For Shinchon Campus)
i. When: July 9 Tue, 2024 ~ July 15 Mon, 2024, 9:00 ~ 17:00 (Weekdays only)
ii. Where: MakerSpace, 1F Yonsei-Samsung Library
iii. Number of Copies and Required Forms① Hard-bound thesis Required: 4 copies (5 copies for Graduate School Department of Law students or license disagreed thesis)
- One of the copies should have the thesis approval sheet with original signatures by all members of the advisory committee.
- ONE copy with the original handwritten signatures or stamp of the thesis committee on the approval page(signature page) must be included
- Please contact the GSIS office (gsisoffice@yonsei.ac.kr) if you are unable to obtain original handwritten signatures may request approval for digital signatures by requesting “Thesis Approval(학위논문 인준)” on Yonsei Portal.
- “Thesis Approval” on Yonsei Portal is for the Graduate School students only
- For students from other graduate schools, please inquire with your department② License Agreement ONE copy of License Usage Agreement Form ③ Submit Confirmation ONE copy of Submission Confirmation Form
- Obtain a stamp from the library and submit to your department office
- The Thesis Office will submit the submission confirmation forms directly to the General Graduate School Office for the General Graduate School students only* You can print the submission confirmation form and license usage agreement form once the thesis has been “Submit complete” at the “Submission list” page
3. Notices
i. There is no thesis template standardized by the Library.
Check your graduate school website for correct formatting requirements and thesis templates. Be sure to check with your department to correctly write your thesis.
ii. The General Graduate School Thesis Guide : https://graduate.yonsei.ac.kr/graduate/academic/paper06.do
iii. Submission through a proxy is allowed. (Delivery or courier is not allowed)
Please have your proxy present your government-issued ID or student ID (picture or copy allowed) during submission4. Inquiries
i. Online & hard bound submission: Library Thesis Office
- [Online Request Form] : https://bit.ly/library_thesis
(For File Return / Library's Thesis Title & Information Revision / Etc)
- Tel: 02-2123-4643, 4644 (Using online request form recommended)
* Answering phone inquiries may be difficult during the submission period due to the high number of inquiries. Please refer to the “FAQ” first if you have any inquiries.
* Resubmission, title edit, and metadata edit requests can only be done through the Online Request Form.ii. THESIS APPROVAL, YONSEI PORTAL, GRADUATION-RELATED : Your Department
The Library cannot tend to inquiries related to Thesis Approval(학위논문 인준), Yonsei Portal, and thesis templates/format.
The thesis files you submit will be provided as online full-text services through the dCollection of the Yonsei University Library and RISS of the Korea Education and Research Information Service. In addition, 2 copies of the papers are kept at the Yonsei University Library for archiving / reading, and one at the National Library of Korea and the National Assembly Library.
Please cooperate in the submission process so that your valuable research results can be used for future research and academic development.