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[Newsletter] Discover various outdoor activities around Seoul
게시글 내용

Source: Yeongdeungpo Office

By: Chiara Mazidi
Junior Editor

With the upcoming delightful weather, many activities await us to explore. From hikes around Namsan to visiting flowery parks, there are multiple options. Whether climbing a mountain or simply enjoying the sun in the park, now is the perfect time to refresh our minds and get our well-deserved break from academics. Take a look at our suggestions for outdoor activities around Seoul!


Hiking in Seoul. Seoul is surrounded by many mountains and hills, with several paths for easy hikes. If you have always wanted to visit the famous Namsan Tower, you can hike up there. Hikers can start on the mountain’s north side either from Myeongdong Station exit three or Seoul Station. It will only take an hour, but the greenery and the view at the end are worth it. 


Another hike for beginners or intermediate people is Gwanaksan Mountain. You can start from Seoul National University, which makes it easily accessible, and you can walk the stairs up through a lovely forest valley. The many trees make it even more comfortable during sunnier days.


If you like to take on big challenges, hiking Bukhansan is a great idea. With its towering peaks, lush forests, and serene valleys, this mountain provides an unforgettable experience. As you ascend its rugged trails, you will be rewarded with panoramic city skyline vistas.


When setting out for a hike, it is essential to prioritize safety. Firstly, ensure you have the appropriate gear for the terrain and weather conditions, including footwear, weather-appropriate clothing, and plenty of water and snacks. Before starting your hike, familiarize yourself with the trail, including its length, difficulty level, and potential hazards. Always let someone know your hiking plans and expected return time. Stay on marked trails! Be mindful of wildlife and respect their habitat by observing from a distance. Lastly, always appreciate the power of nature, be prepared for weather changes, and know when to turn back if conditions become unsafe.


For more information on hikes in Korea, check out this website.


Seonyudo Park. This small island lies between Hapjeong and Dangsan and is only accessible by foot, bike, or bus. The city converted the space into an ecological area with four parks, walking paths, and a botanical garden. So whether you want to lay in the park and enjoy the sun or explore the many flowers currently blooming, the lesser-known park is your place. 


Address: 07200  343, Seonyu-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea (Dangsan-dong, Seonyudo Park).


Seochon Area. Near the historic grounds of Gyeongbok Palace, you will find the charming neighborhood of Seochon, where traditional elements intertwine with current times. Strolling through its historic streets will show you many different Korean cultural delights, from traditional hanok houses to exciting markets with local goods. There, you can find many cozy cafes and Korean restaurants. With its old-world charm, Seochon will take you back in time and provide an exciting exploration of the heart of Seoul. 


Seoul offers diverse options to suit every taste. Now is the perfect time to go outside and refresh our minds and bodies after the midterms. Explore our recommendations for outdoor activities, and let us know if you have any other suggestions you would like to recommend for the newsletter!