학정번호 |
국문 교과목명 |
영문 교과목명 |
학점 |
BIO6623 |
신경생물학특론 |
Advanced Neurobiology |
3 |
BIO6639 |
생물학 연구기법 |
Methods in Biology |
3 |
BIO6643 |
환경미생물학특론 |
Advanced Enviromental Microbiology |
3 |
BIO6667 |
현미경이론과 실제 |
Theory and application of microscopy |
3 |
BIO6846 |
세포사멸연구 |
Current Topics in Cell Death |
3 |
BIO7523 |
동물조직학특론 |
Advanced Animal Histology |
3 |
BIO7528 |
식물생리학특론 |
Advanced Plant Physiology |
3 |
BIO7541 |
세균학특론 |
Advanced Bacteriology |
3 |
BIO7542 |
사이토카인 |
Cytokines |
3 |
BIO7545 |
세균생리학 |
Bacterial Physiology |
3 |
BIO7547 |
세포골격계 |
Cytoskeletons |
3 |
BIO7561 |
식물분자생물학 |
Plant Molecular Biology |
3 |
BIO7600 |
개별지도연구Ⅰ |
Individual StudyⅠ |
2 |
BIO7601 |
개별지도연구Ⅱ |
Individual StudyⅡ |
2 |
BIO7602 |
개별지도연구Ⅲ |
Individual StudyⅢ |
2 |
BIO760 |
인체질병과면역학 |
Human Disease and Immunology |
3 |
BIO7611 |
식물스트레스분자생리학 |
Molecular Physiology of Plant Stress Response |
3 |
BIO7614 |
당생물학특론 |
Advanced Glycobiology |
3 |
BIO7615 |
분자진화와미생물 |
Molecular Evolution and Microorganism |
3 |
BIO7617 |
미생물유전체학 |
Microbial Genomics |
3 |
BIO7618 |
식물분자유전학 |
Plant Molecular Genetics |
3 |
BIO7624 |
발생유전학특론 |
Advanced Developmental Genetics |
3 |
BIO7628 |
분자신경생물학 |
Molecular Neurobiology |
3 |
BIO7633 |
식물형태학특론 |
Advanced Plant Morphology |
3 |
BIO7635 |
에피제네틱스특론1 |
Advanced Epigenetics 1 |
3 |
BIO7637 |
암구조생물학 |
Structural Biology of Cancer |
3 |
BIO7640 |
식물형태형성특론 |
Advanced Plant Morphogenesis |
3 |
BIO7642 |
비루스학특론 |
Advanced Virology |
3 |
BIO7644 |
면역학특론Ⅰ |
Advanced Immunology Ⅰ |
3 |
BIO7646 |
발효미생물학 |
Microbial Fermentation |
3 |
BIO7649 |
일탄소화합물대사론 |
C1-compound Metabolism |
3 |
BIO7650 |
세포신호전달 |
Cell Signaling |
3 |
BIO7654 |
분자유전학특론 |
Advanced Molecular Genetics |
3 |
BIO7691 |
세미나 Ⅰ |
Seminar Ⅰ |
1 |
BIO7692 |
세미나 Ⅱ |
Seminar Ⅱ |
1 |
BIO7693 |
세미나 Ⅲ |
Seminar Ⅲ |
1 |
BIO7694 |
세미나 Ⅳ |
Seminar Ⅳ |
1 |
BIO7999 |
연구지도 Ⅰ |
Directed Research Ⅰ |
1 |
BIO8725 |
면역학 특론Ⅱ |
Advanced Immunology Ⅱ |
3 |
BIO8726 |
에피제네틱스특론2 |
Advanced Epigenetics 2 |
3 |
BIO8739 |
단백질구조결정학 |
Protein X-ray Crystallography |
3 |
BIO8830 |
신호전달연구특론 |
Special Topics in signal Transduction |
3 |
BIO8833 |
식물생장조절론 |
Plant Growth Regulation |
3 |
BIO8837 |
유전자발현조절 |
Regulation of gene Exp. |
3 |
BIO8841 |
고등식물분자생물학연구 |
Advanced Plant Molecular Biology Research |
3 |
BIO8812 |
세포생리학특강 |
Topics in Cell Physiology |
3 |
BIO8842 |
식물유전자조절론 |
Regulation of Plant Gene Expression |
3 |
BIO8851 |
분자생물학특강 |
Problems in Molecular Biology |
3 |
BIO9717 |
막생리학 |
Membrane Physiology |
3 |
BIO9728 |
종양생물학특강 |
Current Topics in Tumor Biology |
3 |
BIO9732 |
식물생리학특강 |
Topics in Plant Physiology |
3 |
BIO9735 |
식물발생생리학 |
Developmental Physiology of Plants |
3 |
BIO9742 |
미생물공학 |
Microbial Technology |
3 |
BIO9800 |
개별지도연구Ⅳ |
Individual Study Ⅳ |
2 |
BIO9801 |
개별지도연구Ⅴ |
Individual Study Ⅴ |
2 |
BIO9802 |
개별지도연구Ⅵ |
Individual Study Ⅵ |
2 |
BIO9823 |
신경과학특수연구 |
Current topics in Neuroscience |
3 |
BIO9832 |
광합성 |
Photosynthesis |
3 |
BIO9834 |
식물학특수연구 |
Topics in Plant Biology |
3 |
BIO9843 |
미생물학특수연구 |
Topics in Microbiology |
3 |
BIO9844 |
미생물무기영양대사론 |
Microbial Chemoautotrophic Metabolism |
3 |
BIO9891 |
세미나 Ⅴ |
SeminarⅤ |
1 |
BIO9892 |
세미나 Ⅵ |
SeminarⅥ |
1 |
BIO9893 |
세미나 Ⅶ |
SeminarⅦ |
1 |
BIO9894 |
세미나 Ⅷ |
SeminarⅧ |
1 |
BIO9999 |
연구지도 Ⅱ |
Directed Research Ⅱ |
1 |
BIO6635 |
식물영양화학 |
Plant Nutritional Chemistry |
3 |
BIO7625 |
발생생리학 |
Developmental Physiology |
3 |
BIO7645 |
미생물발생학 |
Microbial Development |
3 |
BIO7647 |
식물이차대사산물론 |
Plant Secondary Metabolism |
3 |
BIO7655 |
분자생물학연구기법 |
Methods in Molecular Biology |
3 |
BIO8719 |
생물물리화학 |
Biophysical Chemistry |
3 |
BIO8741 |
환경미생물학특강 |
Topics in Environmental Microbiology |
3 |
BIO8744 |
생물다양성특강 |
Topics in Biodiversity |
3 |
BIO8824 |
실험발생학 |
Experimental Embryology |
3 |
BIO9714 |
세포학특강 |
Topics in Current Cell Biology) |
3 |
BIO9734 |
식물형태형성특강 |
Problems in Plant Morphogenesis |
3 |
BIO9825 |
신경생리학특강 |
Problems in Neurophysiology |
3 |