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[Thesis] Thesis Submission Guide for Feb 2019 Graduates
게시글 내용

Graduate Students who are confirmed to graduate in February 2019 must submit their thesis according to the following guidelines.

Please refer to the attached guideline first.

1. How to Submit *Online* 
★★ Submission Period: (Wed) December 26th 2018 ~ (Tue) January 8th 2019

http://library.yonsei.ac.kr/ (ENG available)→ Research → Thesis submission → You may see dCollection@Yonsei website → Click "submission of materials" → "Submit" to upload your thesis in pdf file

Please submit only as PDF file (hwp. or docx. cannot be submitted).

When online submitting, you should print the following forms (these can be printed after receiving approval on their online submission)

 (1) 1 copy of Copyrights Usage Agreement with your signature (저작권이용동의서)
 (2) 1 copy of Thesis Submission Confirmation Form with your signature/seal (제출확인서)

2. How to Submit *Hard-copies* 
★★ Submission Period: (Wed) January 2nd 2019 ~ (Tue) January 8th 2019
         (Weekdays Mon-Fri 09:00~17:00, until 20:00 only on Jan 8th)

  A. Try online submision first and print out forms (1), (2) above

  B. Bring four hard-bounded copies of your thesis with forms (1), (2) to Yonsei Library ---  they will receive your thesis and form (1) and put a stamp on form (2)

  C. Bring "stamped" form (2) to GIT office (if Ms. Choi is out of office or at Songdo, please submit it to UGST office)

3. Where to Submit: Yonsei Samsung Library, 1st Floor Exhibition room

4. Number of copies: 4 copies of Master or Doctoral Thesis with hard cover (All copies should have the thesis signature page signed or stamped by all members of the thesis committee. One original copy including the original signature page, and three duplicates)

* Five hard-bound copies of your thesis should be submitted only when if you don't want to open your thesis to public online. Then one orignal copy including the signature page and four duplicates should be submitted.

5. If you want to ask somebody to submit yours: If you are submitting your hard-bound thesis through a third person, please give your ID (Yonsei Student ID would suffice as well) to your substitute before he/she visits the location above.

* Please visit the General Graduate School website to access the Thesis Writing Guideline to write your thesis in acceptable format: http://graduate.yonsei.ac.kr/graduate/academic/notice_haksa.do?mode=list&srSearchKey=&srSearchVal=&srCategoryId1=363

*** If you are a doctoral degree recipients, it would be grateful if you could cooperate with the survey of the KRIVET for a new doctoral degree from Korea in the first half of 2019. (please refer to the following link)


Guide_to_Online_Thesis_Submission_Procedure.pdf Sample_Format_(첨부)영문학위논문_작성법(MS_Word)_UGST (1).doc